These simple exercises protect you from diseases | health

by time news

Video duration 02 minutes 42 seconds

What exercises can help you prevent disease? What is the role of sports in preventing stroke? And why should the child immediately stop exercising while feeling pain?

Simple exercises to prevent diseases

The German magazine “Freuden” indicated that the risk of developing a variety of diseases increases with age, such as osteoporosis, depression and joint pain.

The German magazine presented some simple exercises, which can enhance physical fitness, health status and disease prevention:

Heart disease prevention

Cardio exercises such as running, cycling and swimming increase heart rates and strengthen the heart muscle, and in order to obtain the maximum health benefits of these exercises, the German magazine advised to exercise for 30 minutes at a rate of 80-85% of your maximum heart rate (Depending on your age, consult your doctor), and the exercise should be repeated 3 to 4 times a week.

Prevention of osteoporosis

The risk of bone fractures increases with age, so one should do muscle strengthening exercises once or twice a week.

You can also practice different types of ball sports, tennis or running, and the benefit of these sports is not only to train all the large muscle groups, but physical activity stimulates the body to rebuild bone mass.

Arthritis prevention

With age, the risk of developing arthritis increases, and chronic joint pain and injuries often appear with people who are obese and overweight, and healthy people should also practice various exercises to promote joint health, such as muscle-strengthening exercises or exercise Squat, shoulder press, or dead raise 2 or 3 times a week.

depression prevention

Women in particular suffer from an increased risk of depression with age, and various types of exercise can lead to the activation of the mood-enhancing hormone endorphins.

Many studies have shown that yoga reduces stress and improves mood, so it is recommended to perform one yoga session per week in order to reduce the risk of depression and anxiety disorders.

Sports stroke prevention shield

German health scientist Friedrich Brisset said that sport is a shield against stroke; It fights the risk factors that lead to stroke, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

A member of the German Association for Stroke Aid, explained that for this purpose, motor activities should be practiced at a rate of at least 150 minutes per week in a moderate manner, and for the intensity, the scientist said that during exercise, the person should be able to speak.

It should be noted that the symptoms of a stroke are severe headache, dizziness, numbness, unsteady gait, visual disturbances, speech disturbances, and manifestations of paralysis. And the ambulance should be called immediately upon noticing these symptoms to undergo medical care urgently to avoid the severe consequences that may result from a stroke, which is paralysis and permanent brain damage.

The child should immediately stop exercising while feeling pain

The German Center for Joint Treatment advised that the child or adolescent should stop exercising as soon as he feels pain associated with exercise, and a specialist doctor should be consulted to verify the causes of this pain.

And German doctors at the center of the ATOS Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, explained that children of primary school age usually suffer from broken wrists or ankles when they fall while playing, and adolescents from about 14 years old suffer from problems in the bone growth plate. Especially when running and jumping.

Bone infections

These problems then appear in the form of infections in the bones and cartilage of the knee joint, largely due to the overuse of the leg, which leads to a feeling of pain and swelling, and in such cases German doctors advised rest and not exercise for 4 weeks.

The German Center for Joint Treatment indicated that the bone growth plates are closed from the age of 14 to 15 years with girls and in boys from 16 to 17 years old.

The German Center for Joint Treatment recommended that before children start practicing competitive sports, they should undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the type of appropriate exercise and prevent injury to the child.

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