These tax loopholes forgotten by households when they fill out their tax return

by time news

2023-05-20 18:18:30

Founded in 2016 by Aldric Emié and Rodrigue Menegaux, Climb offers its users the opportunity to use its algorithms to “search for the best solutions to optimize [leurs] personal finance”. Franck Chapolard /

Many French people do not use the tools, which can however save them several hundred euros, notes a study by the start-up Climb.

This is advice that households filling out their tax returns would do well to listen to at the moment: don’t forget your tax loopholes! These can indeed save you several hundred euros, and many French people forget to use them every year, underlines a study by the start-up Climb.

Founded in 2016 by Aldric Emié and Rodrigue Menegaux, Climb offers its users to use its algorithms to “find the best solutions to optimize [leurs] personal finance“. The company thus advances an enticing promise: to discoverhow to grow [son] argent“. A program all the more attractive in times of high inflation, while the French are tightening their belts. And, to save a few precious extra euros for the principals concerned, the start-up has looked into the famous “tax expenditures».

Complex, these hundreds of tax loopholes theoretically allow households paying tax to benefit from reductions, or even exemptions, under certain conditions. However, every year,forgetting tax loopholes causes each household to lose up to 699 euros“, Aldric Emié recently underlined, on Linkedin. It must be said that the list of devices looks like a Prévert inventory: tax credit for home meal delivery, tax credit linked to the employment of a person at home, tax reduction linked to school children… Difficult to navigate.

«Due to ignorance or forgetfulness, many tax benefits are not declared to the tax authorities. Every year, there are several billion euros not claimed by taxpayers“, regrets Climb. Among the tools frequently neglected, we find, for example, professional fees. “To declare their professional expenses, 80%» Households benefiting from it opt ​​for an allowance automatically granted by the tax authorities of 10%. However, they may also prefer to declare their actual costs. A procedure that is certainly longer and more tedious, but also more profitable, because the costs are then not capped: “This option is therefore interesting as soon as your workplace is located more than 20 kilometers from your home and you go there with your car.“says the study. For the company, “20% of households with at least one salaried taxpayer use this system, while we estimate that at least 22% could benefit from doing so“. They could then earn, on average, 441 euros.

School fees, donations, personal services

Among the other devices to look more closely are also the costs of schooling for children: by not declaring their children, parents do not benefit from attractive tax reductions, underlines the document. However, these shortfalls add up, reaching “more than 378 million euros» unclaimed each year, and a «too much perceivedof 160 million euros for the administration. Climb also cites the case of personal services – “more than 500 million euros of expenses qualifying for a tax credit have not been declared by the taxpayer“, either “65 euros of tax too much» for eligible households – as well as donations to associations. In this last case, “the sums not claimed by taxpayers would potentially represent 1.5 billion euros, or approximately 45 euros per tax household having forgotten to declare these donations“, figures the young shoot.

To arrive at these results, Climb looked at data shared by the tax authorities, looking at “the number of taxpayers filling in each box of the tax return as well as the total amounts filled in“. For each tax niche, the organization then looked at the “market data available for the year 2019», in order to compare the amounts of the taxpayers – for example, the amount of the donations entered – and the external data – the amount of the donations of the individuals, indicated by the association France generosity, in this case. “By taking the difference between these two amounts and multiplying it by the key tax credit rate (66%), we calculated the amount unclaimed by individuals“, explains the company.

For households, it is therefore better to look closely at the tax return when filling it out. To help them, Climb has also recently published a chart listing the main tax loopholes from which individuals can benefit. The stakes are high, for individuals and for the State: in 2022, tax expenditures represented a total of some 94.2 billion euros, according to the government. A massive amount,particularly concentrated» on a handful of niches: the tax credit for the employment of a home-based employee thus represented, on its own, more than 5.7 billion euros, and the tax reductions for donations 1 .75 billion euros.


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