They accuse a young woman of visiting a prisoner 37 times with a stolen ID card in Santa Fe | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

To the defendant, whose initials are CMS, the Justice attributed the crimes of “illegitimate use of a document corresponding to another person, repeated scams and use of a false public document”, in addition to “main participant in ideological falsehood”.

The Complex Crimes Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPA) indicated that the woman also used the stolen ID to process a document certified by a notary public, which she used eight times to take a minor daughter to prison visits. of the detainee

The criminal attribution was made before the judge of the Preparatory Criminal Investigation (IPP), Gustavo Urdiales, while his procedural situation will be defined in a hearing of precautionary measures scheduled for Friday.

The Prosecutor’s Office reported that “the ID that the accused presented to the prison authorities had been taken from another woman in February 2021.”

“Between May 30, 2022 and last Monday, the investigated woman pretended to be the owner of the stolen DNI. She did so 37 times in which she entered the Las Flores prison to visit a man who is housed in that prison. “, the MPA said.

In addition, the Prosecutor’s Office added that “with the false identity, the accused was registered as a partner of the detainee.”

On August 26, 2022, the woman entered false information, corresponding to the holder of the DNI, “in a public instrument that was certified by a notary public” to “enable who she pretended to be to go to jail with a girl who is daughter of the man who is arrested”.

The apocryphal writing was presented eight times in which the minor was allowed access to jail.

On the other hand, the MPA indicated that “between February 14, 2021 and April 30 of last year, the defendant defrauded three credit entities before which she identified herself as the woman to whom the stolen ID belongs.”

“The investigated inserted false information in loan application forms and, as a result of the deception, obtained approval to receive the required money”, which resulted in “economic damage to the holder of the DNI”, because the impostor did not pay the fees of what is owed (Telam)

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