They accuse the military of killing five civilians in Nuevo Laredo; Sedena investigates

by time news

Five youths, including a US citizen, were allegedly killed after elements of the Mexican Army They opened fire on the truck in which they were traveling in the neighborhood Manuel Cavazos Lermadenounced the Nuevo Laredo Human Rights Committee.

One of the victims was identified by his family as Gustavo SuarezAmerican and who was visiting.

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According to the Committee’s version, which cites the family, Gustavo and his friends went out to a disco on Saturday night; The plan was that, when leaving him, the young man would leave his friends in his houses.

Upon reaching the intersection of Huasteca and Méndez streets, the soldiers fired at the truck, the driver lost control and collided with a parked car.

Neighbors indicated that after the shots were fired, several of the youths got out of the truck and yelled for help. They assured that the military denied them medical attention and even prevented ambulances and paramedics from accessing the area.

They indicated that the military prevented them from leaving their homes and threatened to shoot them.

According to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Human Rights Committee of Nuevo Laredo, the victims were identified as Gustavo Pérez Beriles, Wilberto Mata Estrada, Jonathan Aguilar Sánchez, Gustavo Ángel Suárez Castillo (American) and Alejandro Trujillo Rocha. Another young man, named Luis Gerardo, was reported as seriously ill.

Around the 2:00 pm on Sunday, a military command, with more than 12 elements, tried to remove the van in which the young people were traveling, which sparked a confrontation with neighbors and relatives of the victims.

In a video circulating on social networks, a group of about 20 people are seen shouting at the military, they manage to throw two elements to the ground and some men hit and kick them, suddenly detonations begin to be heard and people he runs out

In another recording, it is observed when a soldier hits a young man’s cell phone against the ground, which inflames the spirits and several men approach him to rebuke him. At that moment, another soldier fires a pistol towards the ground, to disperse the people.

In a third video, the military can be seen shooting into the air and yelling at the people.

He Nuevo Laredo Human Rights Committee issued a statement in which they denounced that the military “are out of control” and asked the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorthe Attorney General of the Republic and the National Human Rights Commission to order “an exhaustive investigation of this new massacre committed by elements of the Mexican Army, aggravated by dispersing with bullets a group of citizens incensed by so much abuse and injustice” .

They indicated that their actions before the citizens put children, the elderly and journalists who were in the place at risk.


The Secretary of National Defense (Sedena)carries out the corresponding investigations to determine what happened and act accordingly, sources consulted from the federal government indicated.

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