They accuse the SCJN of imposing abortion in Mexico through amparo

by time news

2023-06-23 03:46:00

June 22, 2023 / 8:46 p.m.

Marcial Padilla, director of the pro-life platform ConParticipación, denounced that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) “has just imposed abortion through amparos at the national level.”

In a video posted on the Facebook page of ConParticipation, Padilla pointed out that “on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice resolved that any woman, pregnant or not, can request an amparo and be exempt from what the law says and have an abortion.”

“In other words, a woman who is not yet pregnant can request an amparo and then have an abortion and the law does not count for it,” he said.

It’s a statement Disseminated on June 21, the SCJN indicated that its First Chamber “concluded that the mere condition of a woman or person with the capacity to gestate is sufficient to recognize the legitimate interest to challenge the regulation of the crime of abortion through an amparo proceeding.”

The sentence project, presented by the minister (NdR: magistrate) Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, was approved with four votes in favor and one against.

“It goes against all the laws of democracy”

For Marcial Padilla, this new SCJN ruling shows that “what the abortionists have not achieved through Congress, they are imposing through the courts. That goes against all the laws of democracy.”

“Abortion is too serious a thing to try to impose it through decrees,” he stressed.

Padilla indicated that the criminalization of abortion does not seek to “harm the woman,” but rather “human life cannot be unprotected before birth.”

For the pro-life leader, this Supreme Court resolution “is not going to solve any of the causes that make a woman think about abortion.”

“The woman who has economic problems will continue to have them with nothing more than a son whose life was taken from her heart,” he stressed, while the one who “has problems at work and is afraid of being fired for being pregnant, she will continue to have that fear, she will continue to be oppressed, because she will not be able to be a mother in jobs where she is fired for being pregnant”.

“All those young women who get pregnant because their boyfriends took advantage of them will continue to suffer violence and aggression from men who take advantage of them and who lead them to think that the only way to be free is to take their lives” unborn baby, lamented.

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Ana Paula Morales has master’s degrees in Neuromarketing, Applied Integral Communication and Theology. She is a correspondent for ACI Prensa in Mexico since 2023.

#accuse #SCJN #imposing #abortion #Mexico #amparo

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