They approve an opinion that grants new benefits to war veterans

by time news

National Defense Commission

War and National Pacification Veterans who wish to apply for a scholarship will have an additional score, in accordance with the opinion, unanimously approved by seventeen votes, by the National Defense, Internal Order, Alternative Development and Fight Against Commission. on Drugs, chaired by Diego Bazán Calderón (AvP).

The legislative initiative, which is based on bill 1038/2021, incorporates literal d) in article 6 of Law 30826, Law of the war veteran and national pacification, and specifies that said additional score will be in Bicentennial Generation Scholarship and Peru Scholarship contests that are called. Always in accordance with the bases that are approved for this purpose, and the current regulations.

In addition, for this purpose, it is established that the Ministry of Defense will prepare a database with the potential beneficiaries to access the additional score in the aforementioned contests.

Bazán Calderón specified that the Veteran of War and National Pacification, in accordance with Law 30826, is a retired member of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru and graduates who officially participated in armed conflicts in defense of national sovereignty. and that are included in the scope of Law 24053, 26511, 28796 and 29562.

Therefore, this initiative already has the existence of laws that grant benefits to Veterans of War and National Pacification; Likewise, it is the Ministry of Education, based on the opinion of the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Credit (PRONABEC) who suggested granting said additional score.


The National Defense Commission also approved the filing of two opinions and a bill.

In the first instance, it unanimously approved (eighteen votes) the opinion of non-approval and referral to the file enacted in bill 704/2021, a Law that establishes the legal framework regarding the benefits to be granted to military personnel recognized as combatants and as mobilized, who participated in the Armed Conflicts with Ecuador in the years 1978, 1981 and 1995.

In a second moment, it approved, also unanimously (eighteen votes), the opinion of inhibition issued in bill 2918/2022, Law that strengthens the fight against deforestation in the Amazon and creates the Brigade for the Protection of the Environment in charge of of the Army of Peru, within the powers conferred by Legislative Decree 1137.

Thirdly, it approved the proposal, unanimously (seventeen votes), of the File Decree enacted in bill 3548/2022, Law that declares the creation of the Chupaca Province Fire Company of national interest and public necessity – Junin.


At another point on the agenda, six legislators supported their respective bills.

The first to do so was the parliamentarian Juan Lizarzaburu Lizarzaburu (FP) who supported bill 4383/2022, a Law that promotes benefits to the General Corps of Volunteer Firefighters.

Immediately, Congressman Jorge Flores Ancachi (AP) supported bill 4574/2022, a Law that declares faces and martyrs of democracy for the national bicentennial.

Then, the parliamentarian Elvis Vergara Mendoza (AP) supported the bill 4195/2022, a Law that indemnifies only once and exceptionally those affected by the political-social conflict.

Immediately, Congresswoman Margot Palacios Huamán (PL) supported bill 4337/2022, Law of compensation for death, physical damage of temporary and permanent disability produced in protests and/or public mobilizations.

Legislator María Taipe Coronado (PL) also supported three bills:

The first was Bill 3930/2022, a Law that creates the Special Multisectoral Commission in charge of establishing reparation mechanisms for the bereaved and victims of police and military repression of social mobilizations due to the assumption of the current government.

The second was bill 3931/2022, Law on compensation for death in activities of social struggles; and the third: Bill 4288/2022, Law that compensates people who present serious injuries and disability victims due to the disproportionate use of lethal and non-lethal weapons during citizen protests.

Finally, Congresswoman Janet Rivas Chacara (PL) supported bill 4175/2022, a Law that declares “Heroes of Democracy and Defenders of Citizen Rights in Peru” to those who have fallen as a result of the just protests that have occurred since the December 7, 2022.

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