“They are swimmable” – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-08-09 19:08:00

Rome, 9 Aug. (time.news) – “The waters of the Pontine coast are suitable for swimming. The cloudy appearance and the presence of foam in some stretches are simply due to a natural phenomenon, linked to the presence of algae, which does not pose any risk to public health”. This was declared by the Councilor for the Environment and Sport of the Lazio Region, Elena Palazzo.

“Following the numerous reports received from the area, I decided to immediately give a mandate to the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Lazio, to start an extraordinary sampling of the Pontine coast with the support of the Coast Guard. The surveys carried out by Arpa Lazio, led by Commissioner Tommaso Aureli, whom I thank for taking immediate action, involved three points: the area of ​​Latina-Sabaudia-Terracina and San Felice, that of Fondi-Sperlonga-Itri-Gaeta north and that of Gaeta south-Formia-Minturno. The outcome of the investigation has largely reassured us “, announces the councilor Palazzo.

“Arpa Lazio informs us, in fact, that the results of the microbiological analyzes show values ​​compliant with the limits set by Annex A of the DM 30.03.2010 in all the samples taken. This means that the coastal waters are not polluted. What we see in some sections, a whitish foam, is nothing more than a particular phytoplankton concentration, i.e. microscopic algae”, specifies the commissioner Palazzo.

“It is a phenomenon that occurs naturally from late spring to early winter, mainly due to the heat and the availability of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in marine waters. The same phenomenon that is probably responsible for the abnormal colors in the sea due above all to the algal bloom of some particular species”, concludes the councilor Palazzo.

#swimmable #Libero #Quotidiano

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