They “bomb” the clouds in Elqui to alleviate drought in the Coquimbo region National

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In an ambitious project led by the Elqui River Monitoring Board, clouds were “bombed” in the Elqui Province to combat the severe drought affecting the Coquimbo region. With an investment of over a billion pesos, a converted plane, a King Air B100, was used to spread silver iodide over the clouds, stimulating rainfall.

Developed by Biobiochile

During this Sunday, a “bombardment” of clouds developed in the province of Elqui, a measure that seeks to address the drought that prevails in the Coquimbo region.

The ambitious project, promoted and financed by the Elqui River Monitoring Board (JVRE), includes an aerial and terrestrial cloud stimulation program, with an investment of more than one billion pesos.

In this context, King Air B100 AirplaneSpecially conditioned for these purposes, the flight landed at La Serena airport in late July with the mission of monitoring and stimulating the meteorological front, arriving in the area on 2 August.

It is worth mentioning that The technique is based on the cold dispersion of silver iodide on clouds, which causes the fusion of water molecules and triggers rainfall.,

As mentioned in the report daily dayThe aircraft took off from Santiago this Sunday at 06:15 am to develop a new stimulus in the mountainous region of the province, within the target area that includes the La Laguna reservoir. After landing in the regional capital, a second flight began towards the same mountainous region.

Let us remember that to date two flights have been carried out: the first, last Thursday, August 1, in which the “seeding” of the formula was carried out with the aim of preparing the atmospheric environment so that, when the front entered, it was waiting, the material could be suspended in the air and suitable cloud conditions would develop.

“With this, when we made the second flight, we already got quite acceptable cloud development, which helped us to get a good result from the precipitation”indicated Martín Mánez, an ecological engineer and project coordinator specializing in water technologies.

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