They change rules in the Credit Bureau; recommend having a good track record

by time news

2023-07-09 02:29:56

The Credit Bureau office changed the parameters in which the credit history of each user is cataloged, so that it is easier for them to leave a red or orange color, which prevents them from being granted more credits.
In an exclusive interview with ZETA, Wolfgang Erhardt, national spokesperson for the institution, explained that both in Mexico and the United States, there is a “score” that indicates the probability that each person may be 90 days or more late in paying a credit.
“From the outset you have to know that all credit grantors are going to put on minimum risk scores to authorize products, and they are all looking for the same thing, that there are signs that they are going to pay, now we have four different levels, which imply four levels risk,” he said.
The most risky is the red score, which implies a low credit history and its new values ​​range from 413 points to 586; then the orange color follows, it goes from 587 to 667 points; It is followed by yellow, which is considered good, which goes from 668 to 700 points and finally green, which goes from 701 to 754.
“Before this recalibration, the minimum score was 400 and the maximum was 850… these recalibrations are done periodically, because it is sought that credit grantors always have the tools to make the most accurate forecasts possible,” he said.
Erhardt recommended that people who have a red score in their credit history reach an agreement with the grantor of their credit or loan, otherwise, on another occasion when they need to apply for a loan, it will not be granted.
On the other hand, if you manage to pay the debt you have, little by little you can build it up, again you have a good record.
Likewise, he mentioned that if a user uses the “remove”, that is, for a minimum part of his debt due to the grantor’s offer, he is released in his history, however, he is classified as delinquent and it is possible that he will be denied credits for represent a risk to the company.


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