They confirmed 35 deaths from dengue and more than 41 thousand cases throughout the country

by time news

2023-04-17 19:51:00

Two men died from dengue in the area of ​​the City of Buenos Aires, according to a report released this Saturday by the National Ministry of Health, which was also confirmed by the Buenos Aires health portfolio.

These are two people, one 73 and the other 76, both with comorbidities, who thus became the first to die in the City from contracting the disease caused by the mosquito bite known as Temples of the Egyptians.

With these two deaths, they are already 35 fatalities that were recorded throughout the country, in the midst of a alarming rise in cases of dengue, which alerted the authorities.

Dengue outbreak: the government admitted that there is a “considerable” increase in cases

Dengue is already in 15 provinces: more than 41 thousand cases

Until now More than 41,200 cases of this disease have already been reported throughout the Argentine territorywhile the circulation of the virus was identified in 15 provinces from the center, north, northwest and northeast, according to the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

At the moment, the circulation of this virus was identified in 15 provinces corresponding to four regions: in the center of the country, are the provinces of Buenos Aires, the Autonomous City, Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe.

Meanwhile, the virus was also registered in the northeast region, in Corrientes, Formosa and Chaco; in the northwest, in Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán and the province of San Luis, in the Cuyo region.

Climate change worsened the outbreak of dengue and chikungunya in Argentina and the world, according to the WHO

The Japanese Dengue Vaccine

On the other hand, and for a few weeks it was announced that the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) would be testing a Japanese vaccine against dengue.

It is developed by the Takeda laboratory and is known under the name of QDENGA or TAK-003. Its application is for those people who have never transited the disease and they need to be vaccinated with two doses to achieve better efficiency.

This possibility is evaluated by the authorities since a few months ago began to be applied in Brazil and it gave encouraging results regarding its effectiveness, which is why they expect it to be approved at the end of this year or at the beginning of 2024.

JD / ds

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