They create a decontaminant that irreversibly eliminates the toxic pesticide from landfills

by time news

2023-10-10 19:05:23

Researchers of the Institute of Biodiversity and Environment of the University of Navarra, Magna and Emgrisa have created a composition that facilitates the elimination in the landfills of lindanea toxic and persistent product, declared by the OMS as carcinogenic in 2015.

Thanks to this work, the compound can be applied directly Over the floors to decontaminate the affected area irreversibleaccording to the university of Navarra it’s a statement.

Lindane, as he explains, is a toxic product that was used as pesticides for many years and is still present in soils and rivers. From 2008 is prohibited in the European Union for causing damage to environment Yet the Human health.

Now these scientists have created “a mixture with micropores especially absorbent in a reducing and alkaline atmosphere” and have combined two complementary mechanisms of destruction chemical of lindane. “The final product is economically viable, simple in its composition, includes circular economy raw materials and is highly effective”assures Javier Erro, investigator from the Institute of Biodiversity and Environment of the University of Navarra.

The work is the result of a project four years partially financed by the Government of Navarra inside the frame “Multipurpose decontaminants for the regeneration and/or protection of soils and the environment”.

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The main novelties of this research are the direct application of the decontaminant to the affected soil and the effectiveness of its usesince it has been shown to remove more than 90% of high concentrations of lindane.

The research has been tested both in the laboratory like in the landfill Dancer in Sabiñánigo (Huesca)to demonstrate its effectiveness.

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