They criticize President Petro and Minister Corcho in networks for not being affiliated with the New EPS

by time news

The president has been criticized Gustavo Petro because some images were leaked in which it was evident that he is affiliated with the EPS Health, which is part of the contributory regime. This same entity is also affiliated with the Minister of Health, Carolina Cork.

Lawyer Daniel Felipe Bricenowho published the images on social networks, questioned why neither the president nor the minister were part of the New EPS, the largest in the country and the one that will assume insurance in those territories where there is no EPS approval of the Health Reform that was filed this week in Congress.

“If the New EPS is so “good” why does the President Gustavo Petro and Minister Carolina Corcho Are you affiliated with Sanitas?”, he wrote in the trill that accompanies the images.

In the same thread, Briceño assured that the New EPS does not have the capacity to receive the number of affiliates that would enter after the reform. The lawyer addedWe cannot allow them to force us into Social Security 2.0.”referring to the health system that operated before Law 30 of 1993.

The health reform presented by the Government will begin to be discussed in the coming days and has received criticism even from members of Petro’s cabinet.

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