They danced with a full house for the benefit of the little ones 2024-03-13 13:00:00

by time news

Every year, the organizers prepare a special program for the kindergarten ball, where the groups of the Mezőfalvai Tündérkert Kindergarten, in keeping with tradition, put on a frenzied show for the guests. The videos and pictures testify to how big they created this year.

They danced for the little ones on Saturday at the charity ball of the Mezőfalva Tündérkert Kindergarten
Photo: László Horváth

At the opening of the ball, Kindergarten manager Zita Kovácsné Huber greeted the guests. In his speech, he emphasized that a long series of years proves that the proceeds of the balls are spent on children’s toys, support of various events and other tools that support education and training. The dedication of the workers in the kindergarten, the unshakable faith in children, which is always the basis of the success of the younger generations, paying attention to the fact that they are open to new things by developing their knowledge. In today’s fast-changing world, preschool education is becoming more and more challenging. We strive for the children to be able to show their inner talent, harmony and immeasurable great love, which brings a smile to our hearts. And with the show, they try to bring joy and fun to the charity event – we heard in the introduction.

They also created great choreography for the hit song “Airport”.
Photo: László Horváth

This year, the kindergarteners produced three productions. The Rainbow Group Life is a melody is in All giants were children performed with songs entitled, which was accompanied by the reformed pastor Richárd Nagy on drums. Then the Ice King a song followed, also accompanied by Richárd Nagy, but now with guitar. The play was taught by teachers Mónika Gremsperger and Ágnes Szentpáliné Futó. The pedagogical assistant was Mónika Németh, the nanny Márk Dobai. György Korda in the next issue Airport the members of the Napsugár group performed a choreography to the song. The training teachers were Renáta Klárné Huszta, Cintia Kitti Láposi and Márkné Márkné Dobai. During the preparation of the next number, Richárd Nagy also played a number with the ball band. The surprise of the evening, because until now the programs ended with a dance performed separately by father-daughter and mother-son, this time a joint choreography was prepared at the request of the parents. The formation dreamed up and excellently presented by teacher Dalma Bodás deservedly received a standing ovation. The measure of success is that it had to be repeated due to public demand.

The father-daughter, mother-son dance is a huge success every time
Photo: László Horváth

The 2024 Mezőfalv Kindergarten Ball duly followed the traditions of previous years. The people of Mezőfalv are always happy to fill the school’s gym as a full-house event. Thanks to all the people who contributed or helped make the event a success!

A long-standing tradition in Mezőfalvá, the preschoolers’ ball, which took place with a full house this time as well
Photo: László Horváth

2024-03-13 13:00:00

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