They did not hesitate and returned fire: new details about the attack in the Jordan Valley

by time news

In the investigation of the attack in the Jordan Valley, new details were revealed about the functioning of the commanders who were present at the time of the incident on the Kfir Brigade’s rookie bus. According to a publication by News 12, a platoon commander and two other platoon commanders did not hesitate to open fire from inside the bus and drive the terrorists away. The three commanders got out of the bus and started chasing the attackers while they fired many bullets at them. The department commander noticed that the driver was seriously injured, went up to the driver’s position and raised the brake so that the bus would not decelerate.

The Rambam Hospital in Haifa reported that the health condition of the soldier who was seriously injured in the attack has improved and he was transferred from intensive care to the surgical department. His condition is now described as light. The driver is still in intensive care and his condition is stable. Hospitalized in the neurosurgery department for observation.

Photo: IDF spokesman

Tubas: Pursuit of the terrorist from the attack in the Jordan Valley

In addition, during the night, IDF fighters also operated in the town of Tubas in the area of ​​the Bekaa and Emakim spatial division as part of the efforts to locate the third terrorist who took part in yesterday’s shooting attack. In the activities held in the villages of Al Bira, A-Tira and in the city of Ramallah in the area of ​​the Binyamin spatial division, the forces arrested three more wanted persons.

IDF soldiers also operated in the Beit Ilma refugee camp in the area of ​​the Shomron Regional Division and led to the arrest of a wanted person suspected of terrorist activity. During the operation, a violent disturbance developed in which stones, explosives and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the forces and shots were fired at them. The forces responded with measures to disperse the demonstrations. held in the village of Kablan in the division of the brigade, two more wanted persons were arrested.

Photo: IDF spokesman

17 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria

The soldiers of the IDF, the Shin Bet and the MGB operated tonight and in the morning throughout the Judea and Samaria Division and the Bekaa and Valleys Spatial Division, among others in the villages of Adich, Zita, Deir Abu Meshal and Beit Omer. They also operated tonight in the city of Jenin and in the village of Kabatia in the Spatial Division area Menashe and arrested five wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. During the activities, violent disturbances developed, during which stones, explosives and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the forces, and gunshots were heard in the area. The fighters fired at several suspects, injuries were detected.

At the same time, IDF forces operated in the city of Hebron in the area of ​​the Yehuda Regional Division and arrested four wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. In addition, the forces located and confiscated over ten thousand shekels suspected of being destined for terrorism, weapons, weapon parts and ammunition. There were no casualties to our forces, during the night 17 were arrested The wanted persons who were arrested and the weapons confiscated were handed over to the security forces for further investigation.

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