They discover by chance that their accommodation will be demolished

by time news

This is the story of Bordelais who learn by chance that their house is going to be demolished. A couple of residents of the Saint-Jean station go to a public meeting organized to present the major real estate project “Bordeaux Euratlantique” which should extend over 730 hectares and accommodate some 50,000 new inhabitants by 2030. Twenty housing units must be destroyed. And there, it is stupor! These tenants learn that theirs is concerned and denounce the contempt of the town hall and the social landlord who, according to them, did not take care to warn them. “Tomorrow (sic), we clear. Is it normal that we are treated like this?», s’insurge Roland sur RMC.

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Other residents point to the concreteization of the district, located in the center-east of Bordeaux (see the map below), the absence of green spaces and communication from the public authorities and the social landlord. “I never expected to experience such a thing. It was a shock. What are we going to become?asks Roland. Not only was this resident not warned that his home would be destroyed, but no alternative accommodation was offered to him. The town hall of Bordeaux returns the responsibility to the State because it is an operation of national interest and to the social landlord ICF Habitat.

Rehabilitated rather than demolished?

It is the latter, according to the municipality, who should have warned the inhabitants that they were going to be evicted. “I think they did not warn the residents because it is planned to demolish the housing by 2024 or 2025 which is a horizon not so close as that“, reacted Olivier Cazaux, deputy mayor of Bordeaux Sud, on RMC. While this was not the original objective, the municipality asked the social landlord to study the possibility of rehabilitating the housing rather than destroying it. ICF Habitat has thus commissioned an architect’s study and is awaiting the results before deciding.

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