They discover that Splenda chemical can alter DNA and damage the intestine

by time news

2023-06-08 23:04:57

Los sugar substitutes They are one of our first options when we want to take more care of our diet, reduce calories and sugar intake. However, a recent study revealed that they may not be as healthy as previously thought: they discover that splenda chemist can alter DNA and damage the intestine.

According to a study by North Carolina State University, in the United States, and published by the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (JTEH), revealed that the sucralosaand sugar substitute which is used as no Calorie Sweetener, could cause dna damage, increasing the risk of develop cancer or leaks in the intestinal lining.

They discover that Splenda chemical can alter DNA and damage the intestine / Photo: iStock

The sucralosa or Splenda, as it is also known, is a compound used for sweeten drinks and food. Not like others Artificial sweetenersLike aspartame and saccharin, this sugar substitute has no calories, but it is 600 times sweeter than sugar refined, despite this, it has no effects on insulin or glucose levels.

What makes up Splenda?

Chemically, the sucralosa or splenda It is made up of sucralose molecules that are modified through a chemical process. During its manufacture, some hydroxyl groups (OH) of the sucrose molecule by chlorine, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

However, this Sugar substitute has been surrounded by controversy, since in recent months, the World Health Organization (WHO), advised against its consumption, warning that it could cause diabetes in the long term. In addition, a recently published study by the JTEH found that a sucralose metabolitecalled sucralosa-6-acetate It is a genotoxic agent.

They discover that Splenda chemical can alter DNA and damage the intestine / Photo: iStock

Why is sucralose harmful?

According to the researchers, a series of laboratory experiments were performed on human blood cells by exposing them to sucralosa-6-acetate and analyzed for markers of genotoxicity or DNA damage. What they found, however, was that the clastogenic chemical causes DNA strand breaks.

“We discovered that the sucralosa-6-acetate is genotoxic, it effectively disrupted the DNA in cells that were exposed to the chemical,” said study author Susan Schiffman.

The alerts that set off this discovery is that if the body is not capable of repairing them or does it incorrectly, the dna strands Damaged cells can increase the risk of developing cancer. In addition, the tests carried out showed that the sucralosa-6-acetate also negatively affect the intestinal tissues of the human body.

They discover that Splenda chemical can alter DNA and damage the intestine / Photo: iStock

The researchers analyzed the genetic activity of the intestinal cells to discover how they were affected by the presence of sucralosa-6-acetate. “We found that intestinal cells exposed to sucralose-6-acetate had increased activity in genes related to oxidative stress, inflammation, and carcinogenicity,” the experts added.

He oxidative stress occurs when there are too many unstable molecules called free radicals. If the body does not have enough antioxidants, it is impossible to get rid of them, over time, it produces damage to fatty tissues, DNA and proteinswhich in turn, triggers diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • atherosclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Heart diseases
  • Cancer

What is the difference between sugar and Splenda?

The main difference between sugar and splenda lies in its composition, its flavor and caloric content, for example, sugar is a natural carbohydrate present in many foods, it is sweet to the palate and provides calories, while the Splenda it’s a artificial sweetener which is derived from sugar.

They discover that Splenda chemical can alter DNA and damage the intestine / Photo: iStock

Now that you know which chemical compound in Splenda can cause health damage, it is best to take great care of your diet and avoid its consumption.

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