It seems that any announcements made by the government to reduce living standards, as well as the “package” for consistent taxpayers and debtors, are put on hold, at least for now.

It is noteworthy that both the Prime Minister at the TIF, as well as the government’s financial staff yesterday, avoided making any reference to the pre-election commitment undertaken by the ND government. to reduce subsistence allowances.

It should be mentioned that senior government officials had repeatedly emphasized that from 2025 the further reduction of up to 39% of the subsistence allowances, which burden approximately 2 million taxpayers each year, will proceed.

In fact, it was planned that the “file” of the presumptions would be opened practically immediately after the completion of this year’s liquidation with the main objective, in addition to reducing them, correcting all the distortions but also making them stricter for the offenders, who harm the public.

The timing of this year’s liquidation was anything but random, since the financial staff wanted to have a clear picture of how many and who are caught in the traditional presumptions, but also the deviations that their real incomes show from the presumptions.

Why the “excision” is delayed

Besides, the “extraction” of the presumptions could not begin before the results of the minimum income imposition measure on approximately 700,000 freelancers and small and medium-sized enterprises are first “measured”.

After all, the digitization of all transactions in the market, with the adoption of POS in all professional sectors, their interconnection with cash registers, electronic pre-filled declarations, “electronic contracts” in the purchase and sale of real estate, etc., give the possibility of immediate information and at the same time of direct intersections in the control mechanism, which give the “green light” for the reformation of the existing system of subsistence allowances.

On the calendars and the reward of the consistent

In any case, the financial staff is keeping a “quiet fish” on the matter, as of course on the matter of rewarding consistent taxpayers and debtors, for which there was no mention.

It should be mentioned that the plans included, among other things, the automatic and express refund of VAT, the gradual release of seized bank accounts for those who pay the installments of their settled debts on time and also an increase of the deduction for a one-off payment of income tax from 3% to 5%.

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