They have no questions; Ranjith walked out of Meet the Director

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‘They have no questions’; Ranjith walked out of Meet the Director

Academy Chairman Ranjith walked out of the Meet the Director program held at Tagore Stadium on December 15 as part of IFFK. It is said that Ranjith walked out during a conversation between world famous director Bela Thar and film critic CS Venkateswaran.

This news came out through the posts written by director Don Palathara and writer RP Sivakumar on Facebook. But now it is a big debate.

After his speech, Ranjith left the stage immediately after inviting questions from the audience. Ranjith was giving a self-congratulatory speech saying that the audience had no questions to ask. However, Bela Thar and CS Venkateswaran remained on the stage saying that the audience had questions.

Don Palathara posted on Facebook that it was his favorite moment of IFFK. ‘CS Venkateswan’s conversation with Bela Thar is going very interestingly, time is running out, CS Venkateswan starts handing over the mic to the audience saying that he will have something to ask the audience.

Festival Director Ranjith, who is on stage, takes the mic. ‘They don’t have any questions’ and starts to end with a thank you speech. After the speech, the mic is handed back to CS Venkateswan. CS Venkateswan and Thar wait for the crowd. Ranjith is leaving the stage,’ wrote Don Palathara on Facebook.

A conversation is going on with Belatar on the stage.. CS is the interviewer. After questions, CS Venkateswaran said it was an opportunity for the audience, and as soon as one person in the audience raised his hand, Ranjith, who was on the stage, took the mic and thanked Belathar in Shuddha Malayalam and Deepika Sushila, who was behind the program for him, and left. It seems that he did not like the fact that the audience was invited for questions.

Not only was there no thanks to CS, who enriched the program with clear and relevant questions, Ranjith was not even mentioned. Or rather, when the special guest was on stage, as soon as the interviewer told the audience that they could ask questions, why did someone with no special role there behave in a way that any common sense person would think was completely rude?

This post is not part of Ranjit bashing. However, there is an idea of ​​what and why he did at the Aravindan Memorial Lecture Hall. Sometimes due to absent mind. may or may not
The following is not a document of the above. A video clip of Belatar’s speech. Vinodkumar took it, there will be people who are interested,’ PR said. Sivakumar on his Facebook.

Many allegations have been raised against Ranjith in connection with IFFK. Ranjith has been criticized on social media for comparing delegates to dogs. Meanwhile, the new accusation.

content highlight: iffk controversy, social media post against film academy chairman ranjith

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