They helped the victims of a car accident and were run over: two dead from being hit by vehicles in the south

by time news

Two pedestrians aged 50 and 40 were killed tonight (Friday) by being hit by vehicles on Route 4, near the Zikim intersection, while they were crossing the road to help the victims of another traffic accident that happened there. MDA medics and paramedics who were called to the scene, located them without signs of life and had to pronounce them dead.

In addition, the medical teams treated the injured in the traffic accident, a 28-year-old man in moderate condition and a 67-year-old man in mild condition, and evacuated them to the Barzilai Hospital suffering from injuries to their limbs and neck. At the same time, police forces that arrived at the scene of the incident, began investigating the circumstances of the accident.

MDA medic Eliyahu Shukron and MDA paramedic Alyssa Krant said: “This is a very serious and complex accident, the place was very dark, we saw two crushed vehicles, each of which had a driver, they were fully conscious and walking around, we gave them medical treatment And we evacuated them to the hospital as they are suffering from bruises and their condition is defined as moderate. On the road in both lanes (one in the southbound lane and one in the northbound lane) at a distance from the vehicles, there were two men, one about 40 years old and the other about 50 years old, who were hit by passing vehicles when they crossed the road to help in an accident between 2 vehicles, they They were unconscious, with multi-system damage, without breathing and without a pulse, we performed medical tests, they had no signs of life and we had to determine their death on the spot.”

From the scene of the accident on Route 4 (photo: documentation of MDA operations)

At the same time, a 72-year-old man and a 24-year-old man were moderately injured in a car accident between two vehicles on Ben Yehuda Street and Frishman Street in Kfar Saba. MDA medics and paramedics who were called to the scene, gave them medical treatment and evacuated them to Meir Hospital suffering from injuries to the neck and abdomen. Another injured person was evacuated from the scene in a minor condition. In Modi’in Ilit, a 19-year-old youth was moderately injured after he skidded off a motorcycle.

Last night, at least three people were killed last night and several more were injured with varying degrees of injury in a serious bus accident that occurred yesterday in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem. Among the dead is a 30-year-old woman, as well as a seven-year-old girl and a three-year-old toddler. This brings the number of people killed in road accidents since the beginning of August to 23 people. In total, no less than 225 people were killed on the country’s roads in 2022.

The bus drives, steps on the sidewalk and hits people: hard documentation of the accident in Jerusalem

According to eyewitnesses, an Egged company bus lost control, hit several pedestrians and crashed into a store on Shamgar Street in the capital. Many forces were called to the scene and a multi-casualty event was declared. Two injured people were rushed to the hospital, one seriously and one lightly, and for a long hour the scans continued to locate more trapped people.

The scene of the accident in Jerusalem (photo: Fire and Rescue)The scene of the accident in Jerusalem (photo: Fire and Rescue)

“When I arrived at the scene, I came across a serious scene of an accident – a bus that collided with a bus stop,” said Moti Dahan, a medic at the Rescue Union. “Unfortunately, a woman and a 3-year-old girl were found dead at the scene. We also provided assistance at the scene to a seriously injured person and several other victims in a minor condition.” This is the second road accident this week that has occurred in the area. Yesterday, a similar accident occurred, when a bus driver lost control and ran over 70-year-old Pinchas Naftali Deutsch to death.

The tragedy of the Breda family

Gabriel Barda, the father of journalist Nesli Barda, was killed yesterday night when a car thief driving against the direction of traffic collided head-on with his car near the Ornit interchange. Breda (65) left behind a wife, four children and two grandchildren.

Two dead in a road accident in Samaria; Killed in an accident in the north

The Ornit local council said that “Gabi is loved and admired by all his acquaintances, friends and family members. Gabi’s family is shocked and pained by his sudden and untimely death. The serious car accident occurred the day after Gabi marked and celebrated his 65th birthday, and when he returned from an event My family to his home in the settlement of Ornit.”

Nir Bartel, head of the Oranit Council, added: “Gabi and the Berda family are one of the founding and oldest families in Oranit. Gabi and his family are loved and known by many residents of the settlement. The entire Oranit Council and community share in the family’s great sorrow, and send a warm hug to his wife, children, grandchildren and all his many acquaintances . May his memory be blessed”.

Gabriel Breda (photo: courtesy of the police)Gabriel Breda (photo: courtesy of the police)

The police investigation into the circumstances of the serious accident reveals that the offending driver stole the vehicle from Kfar Saba, and from there drove wildly against the direction of traffic, hitting another vehicle before the head-on collision with Breda’s vehicle that led to the fatal outcome. Barda was killed the day after he celebrated his 65th birthday and when he returned from a family event to his home in Ornit. His funeral will be held today at Yarkon Cemetery.

“Gabi and his family in Barda are one of the oldest founding families in Oranit. Gabi and his family are loved and known by their neighbors from the residents of the settlement,” said the head of the Oranit council, Nir Bartel. “The entire Ornit council and community shares in the family’s deep sorrow and sends a warm hug to his wife, children, grandchildren and all his many acquaintances.”

Meanwhile, yesterday a man in his 40s was killed in a car accident that occurred between two trucks in Holon. He was taken in critical condition to Wolfson Hospital in the city, where he was pronounced dead. A few hours later, a 54-year-old woman from Kalanseva and her niece, a 7-year-old girl, were killed. Magen David Adom medics and paramedics pronounced the woman dead on the spot and evacuated the critically injured girl to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

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