They modify cancer cells to attack themselves

by time news

2024-09-17 07:30:50

Reprograms cancer cells to attack themselves. That is what a team of researchers from the Swedish Research Council by converting cancer cells into cDC1 cells as a way to destroy the protective shield around tumors, which will allow the immune system to eliminate them.

The study was published in the journal ‘Knowledge‘.

Previous research has shown that the cause of the immune system it is not able to destroy some types of cancer is that they form a shield or protective barrier that prevents T cells from attacking them directly.

In this new work, the research team developed a new way to destroy these barriers so the immune system can do its job.

As they explain in their work, the new method involves reprogramming tumor cells to transform them into cDC1 immune cells that can destroy the cells that form the tumor barrier, allowing T cells to reach the tumor and kill it.

Lose researcher They identified three transcription factors that could be used to convert other types of cells into cDC1 cells, and then inserted the gene sequences from those cells into a virus to transfer the regenerated cells to tumor prevention.

The team first tested the regenerated cells by injecting them into tumor cells in a Petri dish.

Physical therapy

The cells were then injected into laboratory mice. Comparison with untreated tumor cells in mice of the same type showed that treated cells expanded more slowly than untreated cells.

The team repeated the experiments, but in the second experiment, they also injected the mice with immunosuppressive drugs, which prevented the tumor cells from spreading.

The researchers also found that the treatment increased number of memory T cellswhich protects mice from future exposure to tumor cells.

To find out if their method could work in humans, the research team tested it on human cells in vitro and found that it worked very well.

In the future this group plans to continue its research, working to conduct a clinical trial. If all goes well, they hope that their approach will be successful in cancer treatment.

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