They plan to ‘revive’ Mammoths to delay the effects of climate change

by time news

The plan of revive Mammoths looks like something out of a sci-fi movie, like ‘Jurassic Park‘, but that’s not far from the truth. an American company plans to revive Mammothsas part of an ambitious project to restore extinct ecosystems and, in this way, it is possible delay the effects of climate change.

Just as you read it! The bioscience company and genetics, Colossal Laboratories & Biosciencesin the United States, plans to ‘revive’ thousands of woolly mammothsa extinct species about 4 thousand years ago, since it is believed that they could have a valuable impact on the environment.

This scientific project is directed by the renowned geneticist George ChurchProfessor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, who aspires to see thousands of hybrids of this species in the Arctic to slow down the thaw of the arctic permafrostthat is, a layer of the subsoil that thaws rapidly due to the global warming.

They plan to ‘revive’ Mammoths to delay the effects of climate change/ Photo: iStock

How to resurrect the woolly mammoth?

Colossal Laboratories & Bioscience plans to resurrect the woolly mammoth, using DNA sequences from mammoth remains recovered and conserved to insert them into the genome of asian elephants, The idea is that the first specimens are born by gestation of pachyderm females.

“It is not a de-extinction. There will never be mammoths on Earth again. If it works, it will be a chimeric elephant, a totally new, synthetic and genetically modified organism,” explained Tori Herridge, a biologist and paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London during an interview.

What technology will be used to revive the woolly mammoth?

According to information on the site Colossal, scientists would use CRISPR, a engineering cell technology to recognize and cut a very specific DNA code from the Woolly Mammoth Remainspreviously conserved, to insert a modified version of DNA and join it to another specific code of asian elephantsone of the closest relatives of mammoth.

They plan to ‘revive’ Mammoths to delay the effects of climate change/ Photo: iStock

The scientists describe the CRISPR cell technologyworks with a enzyme called Cas9 that modifies genes, in this way, it is possible to manipulate specific characteristics, for example, that the specimens are more resistant to cold and insert them into the elephant DNA selected.

What would happen if they revived the woolly mammoth?

revive the woolly mammoth or species with very similar characteristics, not only means a great advance for science, it would also have a valuable environmental impact because it would make it possible to restore grasslands and delay the melting of the Arctic, avoiding the release of 600 million tons of net carbon that have been trapped up to now.

When will the woolly mammoth return?

Expected revive the mammoths before the decade is out. As part of this project, a space has already been set up in the Pleistocene Park, in Russia, so that the first specimens can inhabit.

They plan to ‘revive’ Mammoths to delay the effects of climate change/ Photo: iStock

Now that you know how plan to revive mamuts to delay the effects of climate changeDo you think that within a few years it will be possible to witness this great scientific advance?

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