They protest naked against a macro solar plant in Almera

by time news


The participants in the protest undressed this Tuesday and letters were painted on their backs to convey the following message: “Renewables yes, but not like this”

They protest naked against a macro solar plant in Almera

“We undress because you undress us.” Under this premise, some 25 people have taken off their clothes to protest against the construction of the 40 MW photovoltaic plant called “CSF Lucainena”, promoted in Lucainena de las Torres (Almera) by the company X-Elio.

A protest that has been recorded on video and broadcast through the networks of the ‘Macro Renovables NO’ platform, as explained by Claudia Schollerresponsible for the ‘El Saltador’ farmhouse and promoter of the Valle el Saltador Cultural Association and Platform for the defense of the Valley and the Greenway of Lucainena de las Torres.

Point out that in November 2021 They told him that a high voltage line was going to be installed on four of his five farms with an offer of a single payment to expropriate his lands. That was, according to what he says, how he found out about the existence of this photovoltaic project.

We’ve been everywhere. First we met with the mayor. Then we claim We have used lawyers. We have had meetings with Environment and Industry. We have created a platform. We have the help of Ecologistas en Accion that pays us the expenses of the court”, it abounds.

In fact, Ecologists in Action announced last december that it had filed a contentious-administrative appeal against this project in which it requested as a precautionary measure the suspension of work on the photovoltaic solar project because, according to the group, it affects areas of special importance for biodiversity. This resource has been archived.

“After all these months and so much frustration, they are digging and building in Lucainena (…) At no time have they tried to renegotiate with me. They have not responded to any letters (…) I have had a theater for 30 years (…) and those from the theater have offered to carry out this action. We feel that the people are stripped naked in favor of a multinational,” he says.

For this reason, the participants in the protest undressed this Tuesday and painted letters on their backs to convey the following message: “Renewables yes, but not like this”.

The company recently recalled that the plant has all the permits, the necessary environmental declaration, administrative and construction authorizations, as well as that it complies with all the requirements and that all appeals have been rejected presented by different environmental groups.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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