They relocate Pemex residents who demanded the payment of Christmas bonuses

by time news

2023-04-20 02:00:50

  • The conflict arose in December 2022 when a group of Pemex residents denounced that they had received an 80% reduction in their Christmas bonus payment.
  • At first they were all expelled from their hospitals but after a long conciliation process it was agreed that they can all return to finish their specialty.
  • Those affected belong to internal medicine, anesthesiology, imaging, medical emergencies, orthopedics, traumatology, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics.

During the last months, a case was registered that caused outrage throughout the health profession in our country. It is a group of Pemex residents who raised their voices for the serious decrease in the payment of their 2022 bonus. In response, and in an arbitrary act, they were all expelled from their hospitals and denied the possibility of continuing their studies.

In this sense, according to official information, training specialists suffered a Cut more than 80% on your year-end pay. According to the testimonies, each one received a payment of around 2,500 pesos. The figure represents a serious reduction of what really corresponded to them.

How much did Hugo López-Gatell receive as a Christmas bonus?

For its part, this situation caused even more indignation when learning the amount of the bonus received by officials such as the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell. According to the Transparent Payroll portal of the Federal Public Administration, he received a payment of 228,020 pesos. The figure is equivalent to the payment of 100 Pemex residents.

This generated a serious debate to demand justice for what happened. Finally, more than four months later, a solution was finally released. Through a statement, the Ministry of Health (SSa) announced that the residents who were separated from their duties in the Central North and Central South hospitals of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) were relocated to other medical units. According to the General Director of Health Quality and Education, José Luis García Ceja, no one should run out of space to continue their training.

The clinical fields offered to the 29 residents were determined according to the needs of the service, the specialties they study, the academic year they must take, and as a result of a conciliation process.

Specialties to which the affected residents of Pemex belong

The 29 residents study the specialties of internal medicine, anesthesiology, imaging, medical emergencies, orthopedics, traumatology, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics.

As part of this conciliation process, headed by the General Directorate of Quality and Health Education, a joint analysis was carried out with the operational links of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) so that the highest house of studies continues as academic endorsement.

Due to the administrative procedures for recruitment to the new headquarters, and financial procedures for the payment of scholarships, the incorporation into the academic cycle was carried out gradually from the second half of March 2023. Therefore, to date, each and every residents have been relocated without interrupting their training as specialists and without stopping the delivery of scholarships.

Finally, Pemex’s medical services continue as a reception center for residents in future editions because they comply with the provisions of NOM-EM-001-SSA3-2022. It refers to health education for the organization and operation of medical residences in medical care establishments.

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This is the amount of Hugo López-Gatell’s bonus: It is equivalent to that of 100 Pemex residents

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