They rescue a sampetrino who lived on the streets in Sabinas

by time news

An older adult in a street situation was rescued by DIF San Pedro and entered the old man’s house; Elsa Hernández De de las Fuentes, where he will reside to receive adequate care and improve his quality of life.

This is Cipriano Barraza Carrillo, who after living on the streets for 15 years in the city of Sabinas Coahuila, for which the DIF of that municipality intervened to protect him and Later, they requested support from the organization of the city of San Pedro for his transfer, because the man said Sampetrino, where he also had some relatives.

By having contact with personnel from the municipality of La Laguna, information was collected and it was possible to locate even a direct relative of the man, confirming his relationship, but when interviewing him it was confirmed that he is an elderly personwith a disability, so he cannot take care of Cipriano, so it was decided that he will enter the nursing home for the elderly.

It was the president of the DIF, Caro Fuentes Rubio, who requested the director María Isabel Moreno Moreno, the admission of the elderly to receive proper care and that your stay in this institution be a new beginning in your life.

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