They reveal that good hydration is associated with a healthier aging process

by time news

When adults follow a proper diet by ingesting an amount of fluid that ensures they stay hydrated, there are indications that these people will be healthy, will develop fewer chronic diseases, and will tend to live longer than their peers who do not consume enough fluid. This arises from the conclusions of a brand new study published under the auspices of the prestigious NIH (National Institutes of Health) of the USA In their conclusions, the researchers say they found an association between the correct levels of sodium in the blood and different indicators of good, or bad, health. The work, published in the scientific journal eBioMedicinecollected health data from 11,255 adults, over three decades.

“The results indicate that proper hydration can ‘slow down’ aging and prolong a disease-free life,” suggested Natalia Dmitrieva, one of the study’s authors and an NIH researcher.

Good hydration: can slow aging and reduce the burden of disease

For kidney specialist Andrea Sanmartino, member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Society of Nephrology (SAN), this research is a good study, with an interesting amount of data and correct follow-up parameters. “Although it has some technical details and points for debate: you have to consider if the measurements were in winter or summer, in a warm or cold area,” she told PROFILE. And he added: “It is still an approach to the subject and requires further study and observation.” On the other hand, he explained that “it is known that good hydration has to do with good health. For example, it has been known for many years that dehydration contributes to skin aging. And on the contrary, the correct one improves the flexibility, sensitivity and softness of the skin”.

For his part, the nephrologist Raúl Pidouxsecretary of the Argentine Society of Nephrology, told this newspaper that “in medicine we know that the correct state of hydration of people is essential from the point of view of the perfusion. In other words, the proper balance of liquid is something important so that all the tissues that make up our body receive the necessary fluids for their correct functioning. In other words, essential systems such as the blood that irrigates the heart, muscles, kidneys, brain, etc., depends, in part, on the state of hydration of each person.

ONLY PURE WATER. Professionals say that sodas and sugary drinks are not good options. PHOTOS: NA

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The expert, who is also head of the Program at the Oñativia Hospital in Salta, added another explanation: “When a person becomes dehydrated, since their tissues do not have access to water, the process called ‘oxidative stress’ increases, a form of cellular damage that can favor more permanent biological damage”. From this idea it is possible to easily understand that correct hydration helps to reduce this stress and “it is understood that this can promote greater longevity and quality of life for people.”


Of course, the importance of drinking enough water on the proper functioning of the kidneys has been known for many years. For example, who has a propensity to have litiasis renal (the pathology caused by the presence of stones in the urinary tract: commonly known as having “kidney stones”) you should know that drinking plenty of water helps prevent the formation of these stones.

But there is more medical evidence to suggest that proper hydration is healthy. “When a person is very dehydrated, one of the first mental symptoms appears the disorientation. In other words, the lack of water influences our neurological system. Although it is not known for now if this has long-term effects, ”said Sanmartino.

Dehydration increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and dementia, among other ailments


It is also worth noting that it’s not good either for metabolism the excess in fluid intake: “It is not healthy to drink 4 or 5 liters a day,” said the SAN expert. And she detailed: “Today healthy hydration is considered to consist of between 2.5 and 3 liters per day, a recommended volume for men and women. In addition, to that quantity it is convenient to ‘season’ it with other contributions of the diet, such as adding daily servings of fruit”.

Pidou recalled something similar, stating that “there is no need to exaggerate because it is not healthy to ‘wash’ the kidney and there is even a pathology known as potomania, related to an addiction to water”. The professional concluded: “The best advice regarding hydration is reduce salt intake and drink about two liters, although the exact volume depends on the climate and geography or factors such as if you practice intense sports activity.

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Tips | Include in the diet fruits, vegetables, dairy products and gelatin.

What to drink and what not

In the historic debate about which is the best drink to hydrate, professionals agree: the pure water. And the infusions based on it. The ideal complement is fruit, since many of them are composed of 80% or 90% water and, in addition, they provide many other healthy nutrients. On the contrary, neither soft drinks nor sugary or alcoholic drinks are good options, which end up causing more urge to urinate and facilitating dehydration or increased blood sugar, which can influence glucose intolerance.

Another point that specialists remember is Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to hydrate. In fact, they say that “if we feel thirsty it is because we are already somewhat dehydrated.” And in this sense remember that the old people They are losing a certain capacity to feel being. “So they and their caregivers must be careful that these people drink an adequate daily amount, even if they say they are not thirsty.”


  • Consume 2 to 3 liters daily. This equates to between 8 and 10 glasses per day.
  • Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink. Especially in people of the 3rd age.
  • Include in the daily diet fruits, vegetables, soups, dairy products and gelatin.
  • No it is convenient to drink isotonic if physical exercise is not practiced.
  • No to take alcoholic drinks in sweetened in soft drinks to hydrate.

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