They risk drowning: the ambulance arrives, but there is no doctor

by time news

Pesaro, 19 August 2024 – Tragedy narrowly avoided in free beach of Marotta: yesterday morning, around 11:30, two fifty-year-old tourists, a husband and wife, risked drowning after venturing beyond the white buoys, despite not being familiar with the sea. The first to have difficulty seems to have been the woman, then also her husband who was trying to help her. Another swimmer and the lifeguards saved them lifeguards on duty on that stretch of free beach, Giovanni Belogi and Oleg Birelli, who noticed the complicated situation the couple was in.

The sea also intervened jet ski of the Red Cross of Marotta. In the meantime, intervention has been requested of the 118 ambulance, however, without a doctor on board: the nurses and the emergency driver did everything necessary to stabilize the patients before their transfer to the Santa Croce emergency room: the lady seems to have recovered quickly, while the Husband as far as we know it is in guarded prognosis.

While waiting for the arrival of 118, a doctor and a nurse who were on the beach as bathers gave their support. It should be noted that yesterday, the Sunday after the August bank holiday, the two ambulances in Fano and the one in Marotta for the entire duration of the service, from 8 to 20, were without a doctor on board.

In two other cases, again yesterday but in the historic centre, it seems that it intervened the Fossombrone ambulance equipped with the doctor. As chance would have it, the Fossombrone ambulance was in Fano to transport a patient to Santa Croce.

“What happened – comments the M5S regional councilor, Marta Ruggeri – demonstrates how essential it is to activate medical cars in our province too: at least 3 or 4 are needed to cover the entire territory”. Given the impossibility of ensuring the presence of a doctor on every 118 ambulance, for Ruggeri the medical cars “are a timely and high-quality emergency service”.

“We cannot continue to waste public resources,” insists the councilor, “on stopgap solutions that do not improve the health system’s ability to respond.” And yesterday, an 86-year-old on an electric bike fell to the ground on Viale Battisti. It is not serious. Another accident at the roundabout on Via Aldo Moro where a 57-year-old husband and wife fell off a Vespa. They were injured but not seriously.

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