They search for technosignatures in the cosmos associated with supernovae

by time news

2024-02-12 17:45:42


Magazine Astronomical Journal publishes a new method for identifying potential signs of advanced civilizations in the cosmos using data from NASA’s TESS exoplanet hunter.

Called the SETI Ellipsoid by its creators – astrophysicists at the SETI Institute, the Berkeley SETI Research Center and the University of Washington – it consists of a strategic approach to selecting possible candidates for technosignatures based “on the hypothesis that extraterrestrial civilizations, by observing events important galactic events such as supernova 1987A, “They could use these events as a focal point to emit synchronized signals to announce their presence.”

“New sky surveys provide innovative opportunities to search for technological signatures coordinated with supernovae,” he said. it’s a statement co-author Bárbara Cabrales, of the Berkeley SETI Center. “The typical timing uncertainties involved are a couple of months, so we want to cover our bases by finding targets that are well documented over the course of about a year. On top of that, it’s important to have as many observations as possible for each target.” of interest, so we can determine what looks like normal behavior and what might look like a potential tech signature“.

Examining data from the TESS Continuous Viewing Zone, which covers 5% of all TESS data from the first three years of its mission, the researchers used Gaia Early Data Release 3’s advanced 3D location data. Analysis identified 32 primary targets within the SETI Ellipsoid in the southern TESS continuous viewing area, all with uncertainties refined to greater than 0.5 light years.

While initial examination of TESS light curves during the Ellipsoid crossing event revealed no anomalies, the preliminary work laid by this initiative paves the way for expanding the search to other studies, a broader range of targets and exploring various types of potential signalsaccording to the authors.

#search #technosignatures #cosmos #supernovae

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