They set a deadline to investigate and present a complaint report against María Cordero

by time news

2023-04-27 02:09:28

Permanent Commission granted 15 business days to the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations

The Permanent Commission granted the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations a period of 15 business days to investigate and present its final report regarding four constitutional complaints declared admissible, including against Congresswoman María Cordero Jon Tay.

This is in compliance with subparagraph d) of article 89 of the Regulations of Congress referring to the constitutional accusation procedure.

“(…) The term within which the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations will carry out the investigation and submit its report, which may not be greater than fifteen (15) business days, extendable for the term provided by the Permanent Commission for a single time. Exceptionally, a longer term may be set when the process to be investigated is susceptible to accumulation with another or other constitutional complaints (…)”, the Regulation states.

In this way, by 22 votes in favor, zero against, and zero abstentions, the aforementioned term was granted to the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations to investigate and present the final report on Constitutional Complaint 359, presented by Congresswoman Martha Moyano Delgado, in against María del Pilar Cordero Jon Tay, in her capacity as a congressman of the Republic, for the possible commission of the crime of concussion, article 382 of the Penal Code, as well as the commission of alleged constitutional violations of articles 1, 2, paragraph 15; 22, 23, 38 and 45 of the Political Constitution of Peru.

In the same way, the Permanent Commission, in different votes, unanimously, granted the same term to investigate and present a final report on the following constitutional complaints declared admissible:
-Constitutional Complaints 285 and 287 accumulated against Mr. Francisco Sagasti Hochhausler, in his capacity as former President of the Republic, for the alleged constitutional violation of articles 2, paragraphs 2 and 15; 118 subsection 1; 139 subsections 3 and 5 and 172 of the Political Constitution of Peru and the probable commission of the crimes of abuse of authority and illegal appointment regulated in articles 376 and 381 of the Penal Code, respectively.

-Constitutional Complaint 131 against former congresswoman Rosario Paredes Eyzaguirre, as the alleged perpetrator of the commission of the crime against the public administration, in the modality of concussion, article 382 of the Penal Code, to the detriment of the State.

-Constitutional Complaint 323 against Supreme Judge Víctor Antonio Castillo León, for the alleged constitutional violation of article 139 numeral 3 of the Political Constitution of Peru; and, the possible commission of the crime of omission of duties, provided for in article 377 of the Penal Code.


At another time, the Permanent Commission approved, with 21 votes in favor, zero against and zero abstentions, the modification of the conformation of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations.

Congressman Hitler Saavedra Casternoque left and was replaced by parliamentarian José Pazo Nunura from the Somos Perú bench.


Previously, the Permanent Commission sent to the archive 13 constitutional complaints declared inadmissible by the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations. Among them, they are against Nelson Eduardo Shack Yalta, in his capacity as Comptroller General of the Republic; against Messrs. Ernesto Blume Fortini, José Luis Sardón de Taboada, Manuel Miranda Canales, Augusto Ferrero Costa and Francisco Morales Saravia in their capacity as magistrates of the Constitutional Court, and others.

#set #deadline #investigate #present #complaint #report #María #Cordero

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