They shield the INE for the debate

by times news cr

2024-04-08 14:41:46

For the safety of all three presidential debateshe National Electoral Institute (INE) plans to allocate a maximum of 11 million pesos, with the objective of installing, among other accessories, metal detectors and x-rays.

Furthermore, the Army and the National Guard They will assume custody of the interior and perimeter of the INE to guarantee security during the debate.

During the 2012 and 2018 debates, security for the presidential debates was provided by the defunct Presidential General Staff and the Federal police.

For the first time in history, this Sunday, at 8:00 p.m., from the INE Council Chamber, Known as the horseshoe of democracy, the three presidential candidates will star in the first debate.

The electoral body hired the company for security and logistics Tourism and Conventions SA de CV, whose process was assigned by restricted invitation.

The company will be responsible for the installation and operation of x-ray systems, metal fences and metal detectors in strategic areas of the INE headquarters, to prevent the entry of weapons, narcotics andother types of prohibited objects.

Tourism and Conventions will also be in charge of other logistical issues, such as the installation of screens, internet, sound, tables, chairs and other accessories where the special guests of the candidates and the media will be placed.

The contract has a maximum cost of 11 million pesos and includes the same type of services for the other two debates, which will be held on April 28 at the Churubusco Studios, and on May 19 at the Tlaltelolco Cultural Center.

The Tourism and Conventions SA de CV company appears in the National Transparency Platform with contracts with the governments of Jalisco and Zacatecas, as well as with the Federation, being one of the largest with the National Forestry Commission (Conafor), in 2021, for cafeteria and lodging service during fire management courses.

In turn, on May 27, 2019, it was published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) a circular in which federal and local agencies were informed that this company, active since 2012 in public contracting, was disqualified for three months derived from file PSP-0003/2017.

According to Public Property Registrythis corporation, in its latest update of its corporate purpose, has as its business line the organization and logistics of all types of government, sports, and private events, as well as those related to tourist services, among others, but it does not contain anything regarding the operation of specialized security equipment.

For the operation of the x-ray devices, he INE established the obligation that “the company must make at least five certified operators available to the Institute and accredit the training by the manufacturer of each operator in the use and operation of the equipment that will be used in the service.”


The design, pre-production, production, transmission, recording and post-production will be carried out by the companies Full Circle Media and MVS Net, through a contract that the INE assigned through public bidding.

According to the ruling report, it is an open contract for up to 23 million pesos for the production, which also includes the other two debates between Claudia Sheinbaum, Brunette, PT and PVEM; Bertha Xóchitl Gálvez Ruiz, of the PRI, PAN and PRD, as well as Jorge Álvarez Máynez, of the Citizen Movement.

The design and assembly of scenery is included, for which, in the case of the first debate, a forum was placed in the INE Council Roomin which only the candidates, moderators and a companion will be present, as well as the production team.

They will also be in charge of lighting, audio, graphics and post-production, with the delivery of the subtitled debate.

A review of the National Transparency Platform indicates that this company appears with three contracts; The highest is with the National Women’s Institute, for 22.3 million pesos for the organization of events in 2022, whose service was provided in conjunction with Cinética Producciones.

The other two contracts were with the INE, in 2022 y 2023for specialized technical services for journalistic content, with an amount greater than 3 million pesos.

Since 2006, it has accumulated another 21 million in contracts, among which the organization of events at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) stands out in 2019, as well as the co-production of series for the Ministry of Public Education in 2012. And according to the Public Registry of Commerce, the company has been registered since 2006, with the corporate purpose of audiovisual production.

2024-04-08 14:41:46

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