They steal a horse from Méndez Nez, in A Corua, and reach Alfonso Molina

by time news


The young people left the discotheque, saw that the attraction was accessible and started this curious anecdote that is already viral.

04 abr 2023 . Updated at 8:28 p.m.

This Tuesday has begun go viral a video of an event last weekend in the center of A Corua. The images show a young man on one of the the little horses in the gardens of Méndez Néz with a local police officer. It happened in the early hours of Sunday. Several young people left the disco and they saw that the place where the little horses are kept was open, they indicate from 092.

These people decided that the best idea to end the party was to take a route with one of these little horses. So they took one of them and started pedaling. They didn’t get very far, as the agents they were intercepted at the start of Alfonso Molina. Those responsible for this act of vandalism argued that it was a joke and cooperated in returning the traditional attraction. the little horse was escorted by a local police car and with an agent accompanying at all times to avoid any dangerous maneuver, they specify the security device carried out. In the end the joke turned out to be expensive. The 092 put them you know what is pending quantification waiting to assess whether possible damage was caused to the stolen horse.

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