They study whether a sunken ship off the island of Guam is the missing Spanish sailboat

by time news

2023-05-28 11:02:25

Three days after losing track of him there are indications that the Pros are not far away where he disappeared from on the island of Guam, in the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish sailboat was going around the world when the super typhoon ‘Mawar’ forced her to pause her adventure on the island of Guam, savagely hit by the meteorological phenomenon. On Thursday, with the men on land after Captain José Solá’s decision, no more was known about the boat.

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The group that promotes this adventure, Friends of the Great Navigators and Spanish Explorers (AGNYEE), this Sunday provides a thread of hope about the whereabouts of the Pros and echoes a notice from the port service of Apra, on the west coast of Guam. Four ships of the United States Coast Guard (the island has belonged to this country since 1944, when it was recovered after the invasion of Japan) have warned of the presence of a wreck through the scanner “not too far from where the sailboat was seen for the last time”.

The coast guard, at 5 in the morning this Sunday, Spanish time


The sighted boat is about 21 meters long and 5 meters wide, so “it could fit with the actual dimensions of the Pros.” Captain Solá is aware of everything, expectant. She is, according to this source, at a depth of between 60 and 90 feet, that is, in a strip of 18-27 meters. It cannot be guaranteed that she is the missing sailboat because the screenshot does not detect the masts and its level of detail precludes confirmation. The search continues its course.

The Pros arrived in the port of Apra on May 16, coming from the Solomon Islands, due to the coming storm. Throughout Wednesday, the fury of the super typhoon reached the port. Those responsible for these facilities were able to photograph the ‘Pros’ when she was next to one of the pillars of the docks. With the arrival of night, the Spanish crew members saw how the ship’s GPS signal disappeared from the monitoring screens.

In the image above, the island of Guam hit by super typhoon ‘Mawar’. In the photos below, the ‘Pros’ in two moments of his journey.

Main image - In the image above, the island of Guam hit by Super Typhoon 'Mawar'.  In the photos below, the 'Pros' in two moments of her journey.

Secondary Image 1 - In the upper image, the island of Guam hit by Super Typhoon 'Mawar'.  In the photos below, the 'Pros' in two moments of her journey.

Secondary image 2 - In the upper image, the island of Guam hit by super typhoon 'Mawar'.  In the photos below, the 'Pros' in two moments of her journey.

At dawn on Thursday, the captain and the sailors approached the port and found that the sailboat had disappeared. The port authorities and the United States Coast Guard told him that no trace of the ship could be detected. “The sailboat has not been found and we fear the worst,” said the spokespersons for the Association of Friends of the Great Spanish Navigators and Explorers (AGNYEE), the group that promotes this adventure.

an unlucky trip

The ‘Pros’ voyage was AGNYEE’s great project within the acts to commemorate the V Centenary of the circumnavigation carried out by the Getaria sailor, Juan Sebastián Elcano. The ship set sail in August 2019 from Seville and was scheduled to complete the voyage in three years. For this, it had a hundred trained volunteers who were going to take over at various times of the route to be able to carry out the trip around the world. However, luck has not accompanied this project. Part of the route was affected by the pandemic, forcing the ship to remain anchored for months in the Peruvian port of Callao. Her encounter with the ‘Mawar’ has been the definitive bad streak.

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