They take their pet to the office

by time news

“Delice is the queen of the office. At work, she is super happy, while at home, she is bored. » For six years, the little 14-year-old dog, owned by Mélanie Carel, an employee of Purina France, has been walking regularly in this company specializing in food for dogs and cats.

Popular in Anglo-Saxon countries, the process of bringing your pet to your workplace remains confidential in France, even if certain companies (particularly in the animal sector) and a few start-ups have recently been won over by the trend.

The animal promotes discussions and improves the working atmosphere

Several studies confirm the benefits of such a presence, for teachers… as well as for their employers. In 2012, the American University of the Commonwealth of Virginia demonstrated that employees who bring their pet to the office are more satisfied with their job and have a more positive perception of their employer. Better, their level of stress decreases during their day, contrary to those working without dog or cat.

Headhunter in a Parisian firm, Marie appreciates seeing the neighbour’s feline invite itself into her office: « We caress it, it relaxes us and makes us take pleasant breaks. I find it relaxing. »

Mélanie Carel remarks, for her part, that her dog has allowed “creating very strong bonds” with his colleagues and that his absence is noticed: “It’s more alive when she’s there. » The animal also promotes discussions and improves the working atmosphere. “When we arrive at the office and the dogs explode with joy when they see us, it’s really nice, assures Clarisse Drot, communication manager at Wamiz, a website dedicated to dogs and cats. We interact much more easily with the owners when the dogs are present because they are an object of conversation. »

The company can also use this argument to recruit new talent. Even though her dog is not alone at home, Clarisse Drot does not see herself giving up “incredible advantage” around pets in the office.

Attack dogs are not welcome

The love of dogs and cats not being universal, rules are necessary to ensure a harmonious cohabitation. A pioneer on the subject in France, Purina has been supporting since 2016, via its program Pets at work (Animals at work), companies wishing to embark on the adventure. “Not all dogs are welcome, such as attack dogs, puppies that are not clean or have not acquired the basics of education, dogs that are too playful or bark often”, advises Magali Gavaret, program manager, who insists on the importance of obtaining the support of the majority of employees.

At Purina, an elevator is dedicated to the movement of dogs so that a phobic or allergic person does not meet them closely. « The master may untie his animal if his colleagues are not apprehensive. But if he moves near phobic people, then he must keep him on a leash.»

Above all, the animal should never be left alone, at the risk of causing inconvenience. “My boss sometimes took a dog to the office, before leaving it only pour go to an outside meeting. As a result, the dog was howling and making a mess,” says Marie, then torn between her workload and the desire to take care of the animal. « Sometimes I was forced to take him out because he barked too much. » In this case, a solution: convince a colleague to take on the role of guardian of the dog.

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