“They took off the mask and sent the snipers to the street” – time.news

by time news
from Francesco Battistini

The former minister and banker the de facto leader of the opposition: in 2013 his wife Shalabaeva and his daughter were arrested and extradited to Italy: Italian companies do business with the Kazakh dictator

The crowd gathered and tried to march to Nazarbayev’s residence in Almaty. He ended up finding him in front of him, as he was about to flee with his daughter Dariga: he had already ready the plane for Abu Dhabi. To block the demonstrators, the police began firing rubber bullets. But then, when the demonstrators broke through, snipers appeared. To shoot with real bullets. Who was there, tells me that they killed at least fifty people …. From his home in Paris, the former minister, former banker and dissident Mukhtar Ablyazov has been connecting every day with Kazakhstan for four years. in fact the head of the opposition in esi
mess: sometimes discussed, accused by the regime of embezzlement and financial crimes also in Russia and therefore arrested in France, but in fact a leader. And even more so, online 24 hours a day: When Putin and the regime say that someone is maneuvering the protest from abroad, everyone thinks of America. No, they talk about France. Because I am a refugee in France. And I am their number one enemy.

Do you have an idea of ​​the number of deaths?

Hundreds. Most of the victims in Almaty. But there are also cities of the West, where people refuse to leave the squares and now the police refuse to shoot. This explains why the Russians came: the regime cannot even trust its men.

Now a real revolution …

The regime pulled down its mask and showed its bloodthirsty face. What other tyrant in the world shoots the crowd like this? Not even Lukashenko in Belarus … The international community must ban Kazakhstan, stop doing business.

But why now?

True revolutions come spontaneously. When you don’t expect them. Seen with the Arab Springs. Or in Iran, with Sci. In these countries, as in Kazakhstan, the revolt arises from a long repression. And from work to educate the population to disobey. For four years, from here, I have been explaining how to get out of this situation. The question wasn’t whether the Kazakhs would ever oust Nazarbayev but when.

But really no foreign power blows the fire?

This country is not Ukraine, where other nations like Poland have strong interests. Here we always say about Turkey and its role but this revolt does not have foreign powers behind it.

Is Kazakhstan a bargaining chip on the Ukrainian question?

Certainly, the issue will enter the negotiations between the Americans and the Russians.

The West realized late whose Nazarbayev?

If we consider the dictators of the monsters, the West was the hand that fed the monster. Nazarbayev has become more powerful because the West has turned a blind eye to corruption and crime. On the billions of his and his family’s investments. He doesn’t do anything now either, let Putin keep Kazakhstan under his boot.

Even in Italy, Mr. Ablyazov, nothing was known about you until 2013. Until your wife Shalabaeva and her daughter ended up at the center of an international affair, inexplicably arrested and extradited to Kazakhstan by the Italian services …

This is a good example. After that, Italy did nothing: you have Nazarbayev’s treasures and properties, but nothing happens. There is business between him and Italian companies, cooperation agreements, but no sanctions have ever been imposed. These are things that give strength to dictators, allow them to do everything and have no damage. A large Italian bank like Unicredit played a role in the purchase and sale of assets of the Nazarbayev family. In 2007 an affiliate of the dictator, Bulat Utemuratov, sold his bank Atf to Unicredit for 2.1 billion dollars. Six years later, Unicredit sold it for 493 million to a wealthy Kazakh businessman, Akhmetzhan Yessimov, former mayor of Almaty, who in turn turned it over to a bank owned by Nazarbayev. No one has ever stopped this operation: when my wife and daughter had already been kidnapped, the dictator earned hundreds of millions …

Will Europe move?

I wrote to the US president, to all the European heads of state. To ask for sanctions against the regime. Nazarbayev’s interests and lobbies are everywhere. We cannot leave everything to Putin

And the Islamist danger? Sunni Kazakhstan a stone’s throw from Afghanistan …

No, this is the old disinformation of the regime, which has always taken advantage of the geographical position to make the West believe that it is fighting against fundamentalism. The Kazakhs are religious, but also educated. We are not Afghanistan.

January 7, 2022 (change January 8, 2022 | 00:34)

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