“They want to destroy social peace”

by time news

2023-10-26 21:35:08

The president of the CEOE employers’ association, Antonio Garamendi, has spoken today about the Government agreement between the PSOE and Sumar, which aims to establish a general reduction in the working day to 37.5 hours and open up co-management between employers and workers. the integral functioning of companies, ensuring that it is designed “by people who have never seen a company in their lives.”

Garamendi has called for “management, not populism” in the negotiation between the parties that make up the acting Government during his intervention within the framework of the XXII, CEDE executives’ congress held in Granada, as well as respect for the constitutional framework, which enshrines the Collective negotiation. “You don’t have to do bad things to make everything worse. I ask for management, not populism, populist formulas that go against companies and hinder growth.”

“I’m going to clarify what has been announced. People believe that they would earn the same with this reduction in working hours, but the cost per hour is much higher and even that of Social Security, which is going to increase by 7%. If something works In this country it is the social agreements, if anything has been demonstrated in Spain it is that the 4,500 open negotiation tables are functional. It is the best formula for social peace and an example in Europe, because some want to destroy it,” he added.

In this sense, he clarified that there are “a lot of agreements that are on the way to 37.5 hours.” “What was announced is interventionism that will affect the countryside, businesses and small business owners. This announcement is made by people who have never seen a company in their life. They should see a payroll to see what this entails,” has said.

In front of more than 2,000 businessmen and managers, he recalled that three months ago the employers’ association signed an agreement with the unions for 3 years. “What’s wrong, it’s not worth it?”, she asked herself. “The regulator changes everything without any criteria, but be careful, we are talking about more serious issues because they have included the word co-management in the agreement. Let’s see, when you set up a company, is it that someone who doesn’t know how to manage is going to come? That is almost more dangerous than the hours thing,” he reflected. “We are against this populism that can only make us go backwards. We must say, that’s enough!”

“It’s as if you are going to play a soccer game and they tell you that from the start you are going to lose, but hey, enjoy. It seems that the extremes rule and the employers represent moderation,” he continued.

In a warning about the business results that are going to happen these days and the foreseeable criticism from the acting Government, the president of the businessmen has stressed that “the company has to make money, it has to give benefits to the shareholders, because That’s where social work comes from. We also have to pay managers well and lower taxes, because we have to attract talent. And that is working in the opposite direction. We have been hearing direct attacks on managers of large companies for two and a half years.”

Garamendi has defended the relevance of the company as a generator of quality employment by ensuring that “of the 200,000 jobs created, according to the EPA, 200,000 are private.” “We talk about the 20/30 objectives but we forget the 20/20 objective which establishes that 20% of GDP must be industrial and we are far from those figures. That is horrible, because where industry represents 20% of GDP , unemployment is below 10% and quality, stable employment is created.

“Persecution of the businessman”

Along the same lines, Gerardo Cuerva, president of Cepyme, has summarized the proposal signed by the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the acting Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, as a “full-fledged persecution of the businessman.” “When one breaks down the proposal, one sees an interventionism of the economic system, of the free market. Furthermore, it is a contempt for social peace by usurping the space of unions and businessmen. It is not worth believing in social dialogue at a time and then not,” Cuerva stressed.

Josep Sánchez Llibre, president of the Catalan employers’ association Foment del Treball, has stressed that this is a “lack of respect” for employers, workers and social dialogue. “They are fireworks, which are probably not going to be put into practice because it is the parliamentary groups that have to approve them and agree with these leftist ideas. However, these proposals harm investments and the credibility of the country,” he said. Sánchez Llibre warned.

Energy stability

For his part, José Luis Bonet, president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, has warned of the confluence of the rise in hydrocarbon prices with high inflation. “This can add fuel to the fire of a slowdown that is already happening. Because the success of tourism, which does not represent 12% of the GDP, but 20% since it drags down commerce and food, is covering up what is underneath, the industrial economy, which is suffering a lot.

Regarding the Perte of the Next Generation funds, Bonet has warned that they are going very slowly. “Spain is lagging behind in digitalization,” he stated.

In the energy chapter, Francisco Reynés, executive president of Naturgy, explained the “trilemma” that the sector faces: security of supply, sustainability of generation and the universalization of energy for the entire population at reasonable prices. .

Reynés has assured stability in energy prices despite speculation in the markets as a result of the conflict in the Middle East and has recalled that energy companies are also “solvers” of the world’s challenges and problems.

Fainé asks to prioritize dealing with people

The president of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE), Isidro Fainé, has listed the challenges that companies face in a context of growing uncertainty, among them the aging population, the shortage of professionals and the retention of talent , among other challenges.

Fainé has asked businesspeople, given the emergence of artificial intelligence, to prioritize dealing with people “from above and below” and to pay attention to emotional intelligence.

At the closing ceremony, the first vice president of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, asked to move away from “extreme positions” and said she celebrated the growth of Spain in a complex context, with 21.3 million contributors, at a time of “peace social” that ensures the quality of life in Spain and “wonders investors”.

The King highlights the company’s transformative engine

For his part, the president of the Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, has highlighted that Andalusia has grown twice as much as the Spanish average in recent years thanks to certainty and flexibility, improving competitiveness, employment and investment. “We are the autonomous community with the most clean energy projects underway, about 1,200. We are a reference for success,” he said, giving way to His Majesty the King.

Felipe VI has highlighted the role of the CEDE congress as a transforming engine of Spain and has asked businessmen to promote the Spanish economy to be “more competitive”, assuming “the role of entrepreneurship.”

Likewise, the King has highlighted that Spain has some “excellent” managers who have the support of the institutions.

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