They warn about parents who offer their daughters to pay off loans; they ask for justice

by time news

A detestable practice, parents offer their daughters to pay loans, organizations are on these cases

According to the information, local authorities have allowed this type of practice, parents offer their daughters to pay loans.

Young women end up being trafficked

The National Human Rights Commission of India launched a dire alert in the north of the country, This situation is being experienced in India.

According to the Commission, several cases of girls who have been sold by their own parents as “reimbursement or payment” have already been detected.

All this, by order of the controversial local authorities, who They have powers to resolve this type of conflict.

Such events have taken place in the rural state of Rajasthan

The Guardian newspaper reported that this practice is common in areas where there are low-income families who they are forced to get money in some emergency.

For example, when a member becomes seriously ill and needs medicine and medical care.

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How does this outrageous practice work?

Said British tabloid mentioned that several local media have documented that when people get into debt, it is very likely that they will not be able to pay the money.

So the lenders “denounce” before the so-called “panchayats or caste councils”, a group that It works as a council in the communities.

Which has been strongly criticized for its retrograde orders that violate rights, such as honor killings or corporal punishment for alleged adultery.

The organization points out that in the case of India, the main affected are children and adolescents from poor communities, lacking a solid family structure and with little education.

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