They were about to take off, but the airline put them all down because of a stubborn couple

by time news

For weeks, airports and airlines anticipated a high flow of travelers that would come for the holiday season in the United States that begins with the famous Thanksgiving Day.

Busy terminals, Overworked Employees and Desperate Users they have been the constant in recent years (except for the pandemic) and this 2022 gave a renewed sample of that trend.

In this context, an unexpected altercation on a flight from Frontier Airlineswhich was heading from Denver to Texas, made headlines. They went viral on social networks due to the fury caused by the delay in travelers caused by a couple who refused to pay the corresponding baggage fees after exceeding the established measures.

“We are tired!”, one of the rebellious passengers is heard saying in the video that he uploaded to his networks one of those affected. The couple in question boarded the plane, ignoring the obligation to pay for the extra baggage and they remained in their position even when airline employees, and even passengers, asked them to get off to settle the account.

A couple angered passengers on a plane headed to Dallas

For this display of foolishness they were labeled “selfish!” by many users on networks. The passengers simply waited for the youngsters to agree to comply with the regulation. and allowed them to continue with the trip as planned, but it did not go as they wanted.

After a series of warnings, the airline He decided that all the passengers should get off the plane to make it easier for the authorities to enter for the couple. Unsurprisingly, this move upset those who already had a smooth travel itinerary.

According to the testimonies of those who lived through the conflict, the rebellious couple argued that they were too tired to face another obstacle: “We are tired! We’ve been flying for 20 hours with our money. You don’t know what we’ve been through.”he is heard yelling in front of a flight attendant in the video.

Passengers had a very annoying experience prior to the Thanksgiving celebration in the United Statestwitter capture – twitter capture

Although the clip was removed by TikTok, the passenger shared it again on Twitter. In the images you can see how the couple then seeks to convince the other passengers to stop accusing them of delaying the flight: “We pay our ticket like you. We pay like all of you. I’m not getting off the plane.”

“This couple bolted and skipped baggage measurements and boarding pass scans. He refused to get off the plane,” explained the affected person who posted the clip, adding: “The policemen came after we disembarked and escorted them out… They put them on the no-fly list.”

Although budget airlines are criticized by customers for how they balance the affordable cost of tickets with high baggage fees for passengers, Those affected claimed that the airline took so long to apply the regulation to sanction the attitude of the rebels.

for several minutes they rushed at them amid desperate shouts and insults for the delay with Thanksgiving so close.

“Instead of sneaking out without paying baggage fees they should have done what I do and just wear all the clothes you’re wearing on the trip.”humorously wrote a user of social networks.


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