They who fight: 30 women to be inspired by in 2024

by time news

2024-01-11 15:50:00

Indigenous, quilombola and riverside women are responsible for managing territories, taking care of their health, preserving ancestral memory and, even when far from home, they keep the forest standing.

In recent years, the #ElasQueLutam series has created sensitive profiles of 30 biome women, guardians of the history and memory of their communities, and who make their bodies an extension of their traditional territories.

In mobilizations and politics, in the fight against invaders and predatory development projects, in the processing and commercialization of products from Brazilian biodiversity, female leaders fight for gender equality, the autonomy of communities and the future of the planet.

Each one has an important role in organizing and strengthening indigenous, riverside and quilombola women in Brazil. It is a collective struggle, because when one wins, everyone wins.

“When we leave here for other territories, we see that women’s struggles are the same. […] It’s not because I have my money that I’m going to be complacent. I see that we all have to work. I will be very proud to see other women, warriors, work and earn an income”, says Givanilda Aguiar Rocha.

They are the protagonists of powerful narratives to inspire the fight for rights and the restoration of the country. Their voices do not cease, they do not silence and they do not get tired.

Check out the profiles!

???? Christian Braga/ISAAlessandra Korap Munduruku

The first woman to preside over the Pariri Indigenous Association, in Médio Tapajós (PA), Alessandra has brought to society the tireless struggle of the Munduruku people to protect their territory against invaders and illegal mining ???? Benjamin Mast/ISAAngela Kaxuyana

A member of the first generation of Kaxuyana indigenous people born in the Tumucumaque Indigenous Park (PA) after forced displacement, Angela is a spokesperson for the fight for the protection of isolated indigenous peoples ???? Personal ArchiveAriene Susui Leader of the Wapichana people, Ariene helped build the Youth Center of the Roraima Indigenous Council. In 2022, the journalist was also part of the Lula Government’s transition team ???? Benjamin Mast/ISACelia Xakriabá The first indigenous woman in the history of the State of Minas Gerais to be elected federal deputy, Célia land demarcations, education and access to culture ???? DisclosureChirley Pankará

Chirley Pankará was once a state deputy in São Paulo and today works in the Coordination for the Promotion of Cultural Policies of the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples ???? Benjamin Mast/ISADadá Baniwa The first indigenous coordinator of Funai in Rio Negro, Dadá also coordinated the Women’s Department of the Federation of Organizations Indigenous people of Rio Negro (Foirn) ???? Claudio Tavares/ISADaiara Tukano Daiara is one of the main indigenous visual artists today. In 2020, she became known for authoring the largest urban mural painted by an indigenous artist in the world |Victor Moriyama/ISAEhuana Yanomami

In a path marked by pioneering spirit, Ehuana was the first teacher in her community and the first Yanomami woman to write a book in the Yanomae language ???? Personal ArchiveGabriele Miranda Leadership of Quilombo Porto Velho (SP), Gabriele uses art and education as tools to echo the voices of the region’s quilombolas and fight for the valorization of the traditional knowledge of their community |Gustavo AmoraGivânia da Silva

Born in the quilombola territory of Conceição das Crioulas (PE), the educator and coordinator of Conaq has been, for decades, a powerful voice in defending quilombola rights and in the fight for social transformation ???? Personal ArchiveGivanilda Aguiar Rocha Givanilda is part of the first generation of teachers riverside of the Riozinho do Anfrísio Extractive Reserve (PA) and uses education as a tool to fight for territory and gender equality ???? Benjamin Mast/ISAJoania Wapichana

Joênia is a pioneer in the political representation of indigenous women. An activist for the rights of indigenous peoples for decades, she was the first indigenous deputy elected in Brazil and today holds the position of president of Funai |Mitã XipayaMaial Paiakan Motivated by those who came before, Maial Paiakan was the first person from her people to complete a degree. In 2022, she ran for federal deputy for the State of Pará ???? Benjamin Mast / ISAJozileia Kaingang Chief of staff to Minister Sonia Guajajara, Jozileia was also one of the founders of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestry (ANMIGA) | Cacá MeirellesMayalú Txucarramãe

Granddaughter of chief Raoni Metuktire, the Mebêngokrê youth leadership played an important role in protecting its people against Covid-19 and combating fake news |Felipe Beltrame

Nara Soares Baré

The first woman to take over as general coordinator of Coiab, Nara was awarded in 2020 for her performance and commitment to defending the environment and indigenous rights ???? Personal ArchiveNeidinha Suruí

The first woman to work with isolated peoples at Funai, Neidinha Suruí has ​​been fighting for the rights of indigenous peoples and the protection of the forest for more than 50 years ???? Claudio Tavares/ISANilce Pontes Pereira

Whether in caring for the farm or in political action, the family farmer from Quilombo Ribeirão Grande, in Vale do Ribeira (SP) fights for a collective Brazil, free from prejudice and violence ???? Cassandra Mello/ISAO-it’s Kaiapo

Often the only woman among the leaders of her people, O-é became chief of Krenhyedjá Village (MT) and leads the fight for indigenous rights ???? Fabrício Araújo/ISAPaola Abache Indigenous to the Warao people and Venezuelan immigrant, Paola was crowned Miss Trans in LGBTQIA+ parade in Roraima and has already led the largest indigenous shelter in Latin America |Júlio César Almeida/ISARafaela Santos

Lawyer for the Articulation and Advisory Team for Black Communities (EAACONE), Rafaela led the fight for vaccination in the quilombos of Vale do Ribeira (SP) and contributed to the creation of the ADPF Quilombola |Lilo Clareto/ISARaimunda Rodrigues

Manager of a mini-processing plant for chestnuts and babassu coconuts from the Rio Iriri Extractive Reserve (PA), Raimunda contributes to generating income and strengthening the border identity |Alexandre JúniorSamara Pataxo From youth in the Coroa Vermelha Indigenous Land (BA) to support oral speech in the STF on the judgment of the “Marco Temporal” thesis, Samara built her trajectory of struggle in defense of collective well-being | Cesar David Martinez Samela Sateré Mawé The youngest in a family line of warrior women, Samela is an artisan at the Association of Indigenous Women Sateré Mawé, Apib communicator and important activist against the climate crisis |Valentina Ricardo Sonia Guajajara Considered one of the 100 most influential people of 2022 by Time magazine, Sonia Guajajara was elected federal deputy and became minister of Indigenous Peoples in 2023 |Júlio César Almeida/ISASuzana Pedroso do Carmo Collector of the Vale do Ribeira Seed Network (SP), Suzana fights for the right to health and education through the construction of an access road to Quilombo Bombas | NINJATuíre Media Kayapó Known for the iconic record where shouts a machete at the face of the president of Eletronorte, Tuíre forever marked the resistance of indigenous peoples against predatory projects |Lucas Landau/ISATxai Suruí

The only Brazilian to speak at the opening of COP26, Txai emerged as one of the main voices of indigenous youth in defending the forest and confronting the climate crisis |Matheus Sant’Ana

Vercilene Dias

Master in Law, the leadership of the Kalunga community (GO) was among the first quilombolas in the country to sign a lawsuit in the STF as legal advisor to Conaq ???? Claudio Tavares/ISAMaria Tereza Vieira Active leadership at Cooperquivale and the Vale do Ribeira Seed Network (SP), Maria Tereza fights for the preservation of the Atlantic Forest and the guarantee of quilombola rights

#fight #women #inspired

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