They will only support his investiture if he agrees to a referendum

by time news

2023-09-28 20:24:59

Pedro Sánchez was convinced that he would be inaugurated as president of the Government of Spain after the failed investiture of the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

For now, the PP has a new opportunity to be elected in the second vote that will take place this Friday, September 29. And support for the PSOE leader is wavering.

ERC and Junts ask that the Catalan parties not support the investiture of the socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez, if “he does not commit to working to make the conditions effective” to hold a referendum. This is stated in the document registered by ERC and Junts this Thursday afternoon in Parliament.

It is one of the demands that they have maintained since the holding of the general elections of 23J and that after the holding of the General Policy Debate (DPG) in the Parliament is gaining strength: votes in exchange for a referendum. Also about the amnesty and the well-being of the Catalan citizens.

Carles Puigdemont has repeated it and it has been confirmed by Catalan independence politicians in Spain: “These are the three conditions of ERC. Whoever wants to be invested, take note. They are acceptable, realistic and possible conditions,” warned the leader of ERC in Parliament. , Josep Maria Jové, to Pedro Sánchez. “Let no one try to guarantee our support by tempting us with personal solutions. Let them not be mistaken,” added Jové, who only sees it as feasible to support the investiture of the leader of the Socialist Party if there is “advances in self-determination,” he said just a few hours ago.

The referendum, key to investing Sánchez

ERC and Junts have agreed on a proposed resolution for the General Policy Debate that urges the Parliament to give its approval to the Catalan parties not supporting Sánchez’s investiture, if “they do not commit to working to make the conditions effective” to celebrate a referendum.

The text asks the Parliament to rule “in favor of the Catalan political forces represented in the Spanish Cortes not giving support to an investiture of a Government that does not commit to working “to make effective the conditions” to hold a referendum, it states. Europa Press’. “In this way, the mandate that came from the referendum on October 1, 2017 can be replaced by a new referendum agreed with the State,” the text continues.

The amnesty – another of the conditions to support Sánchez’s investiture – has also been on the table of the Parliament and they defend “the need for an amnesty law to nullify what had been classified as a criminal or administrative infraction, in relation to “the defense of the exercise of the right to self-determination of Catalonia”.

What is left out of the text is Junts’ proposal to confirm the “need for an amnesty that entails the complete and effective abandonment of judicial proceedings against the independence movement and the independentistas.”

New elections?

The Catalan independentists want their demands to be met. No ‘babble’. They will only support the current acting Prime Minister if he agrees to meet the conditions.

If in the end the Catalan political parties such as ERC and Junts do not support him, Pedro Sánchez could not be inaugurated and citizens would return to the polls after Christmas, predictably on Sunday, January 14.

What’s more, the PNV spokesperson in Congress, Aitor Esteban, has admitted that there is no progress in their negotiations for Sánchez’s investiture and believes that the PSOE must first close an agreement with Junts, which he considers to be the most complicated. and does not “at all” rule out a repeat election.

#support #investiture #agrees #referendum

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