“They will turn us into a third world country”: Lapid’s warning ahead of the formation of the government

by time news

The Knesset factions gathered today (Monday) for their weekly meetings, in the shadow of the tensions in the right-wing bloc and the efforts to form the government. The leaders of the factions gave statements to the media, which dealt with issues that are now on the public agenda, alongside the turmoil in the political system. The state camp was the first to open her yeshiva and then There is a future, Jewish power, Hadash-Ta’al And finally Torah Judaism. The head of the opposition, Yair Lapid, opened his faction’s meeting with a warning: “They will turn us into a third world country.”

Yair Lapid at his faction’s meeting (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

“They will turn us into a third world country”

At the beginning of the Yesh Atid faction meeting, the chairman of the party spoke, Yair Lapid: “The new government has not been established yet, but it already has decisions: Yeshiva students will receive more money than IDF soldiers. Smotrich wants to close football on Saturday. A law will be enacted to separate men and women in the public space. The State of Israel is a Jewish state, not a Halacha state. Women will not be told where they are allowed and where they are not allowed to stand. They will not tear this country apart into those who serve in the army and those who don’t, those who work and those who don’t.”

He turned to the Likud voters and asked: “Is this what you wanted? Is that why you voted for the Likud? So that they would take money from the soldiers and give it to yeshiva students? You are going to be a minority in this government. A minority of those serving in the army, a minority of the middle class, a minority of those who believe in a moderate Jewish tradition that accepts Everyone is in a good mood.”

“They haven’t formed a government yet, they have already announced that they will pass the repeal clause. They will crush the court. They will crush Israeli democracy. Everything for personal reasons. Everything so that Netanyahu can cancel his trial and Deri can cancel his disgrace,” he said. “This is not going to be a government that the extremists sit in, this is going to be a government that the extremists control. Full control. They will lead us to become a third world country. In conflict with the Americans, in conflict with ourselves. Ben Gabir, a target of the police and a target of the Shin Bet, will be responsible on the police and responsible for the Shin Bet.”

“If someone asks themselves where we will be – we will be here in the Knesset day and night, we will be in the streets, we will be in the squares, we will be on the bridges. We will not be silent, we will not disappear, we will not give up, we are fighting for the future of our children.”

He concluded: “For a year and a half, there was an excellent government here. It brought great achievements to the State of Israel. It pushed us forward economically and security-wise. Now a government will be established here that takes us back. The people of Israel are smart. They will understand very quickly that the government of the extremists is causing them harm. We will return, faster From what everyone thinks.”

Yesh Atid faction yeshiva (photo: Matan Wasserman)Yesh Atid faction yeshiva (photo: Matan Wasserman)

“Whoever harms our democratic values ​​- will carry out a trampling attack on Israeli democracy”

the chairman of the state camp, Benny Gantz, opened the meeting of his party’s faction, and referred to the harm to minorities following the overcoming clause: “I want to start with a question to the members of the future coalition: what will happen to the High Court if you overcome it with a majority of 61? The minority that will be harmed will be ultra-Orthodox Arabs or women. When you do that, half the people will feel deprived. When you overcome the High Court with a majority of 61 to cancel the draft plan, you will strike at the heart of Israel’s security. When you overcome the High Court with a majority of 61 to appoint ministers, this is a legitimization of corruption.”

Chairman of the state camp Benny Gantz (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)Chairman of the state camp Benny Gantz (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

He explained: “Whoever does this is acting in the name of corruption and not in the name of governance. What Netanyahu wants to carry out is a corrupt revolution, the very preoccupation with the expansion of democracy indicates a poor order of priorities. I am in favor of elements of strengthening between the authorities, and only support a large majority to invalidate decisions of the C. The state camp is ready to be partners in an amendment from the opposition that has balanced components. I will hold talks with the leaders of the designated opposition and with elements in the designated coalition.”

Finally, Gantz turned to Netanyahu, saying: “I remind you that whoever breaks our strength – will harm the IDF. Whoever harms our democratic value – will carry out a trampling attack on Israeli democracy. If God forbid we lose the fight, the first thing we will do when we return will be to cancel all these moves.”

Gadi Einzkot (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)Gadi Einzkot (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

“Everywhere we will fight publicly”

Ayman Odeh He opened the Hadash-Ta’al yeshiva and talked about their struggle: “Our struggle will not only be in the parliament, but also in the streets of Jews and Arabs together. During the swearing-in of the government, then throughout the weeks of protests. Wherever we struggle publicly, it will be a struggle not Only in breadth but also in depth. We have no intention of bringing back the previous bad government, of Bennett and Lapid, which was a very bad government. We have an opportunity to fight against this government, at the same time to build a real alternative against the damned occupation.”

Ahmed Tibi, Ayman Odeh (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Ahmed Tibi, Ayman Odeh (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

After him he spoke Ahmed Tibi: “A few days ago we saw a pogrom of settlers in Palestinians in Hebron. There was an incident where a settler attacked a female soldier, then Lapid, Gantz and the Chief of Staff strongly condemned the attack on the female soldier. The main event was the pogrom against the Palestinians. I heard no condemnation. This is hypocrisy, it’s called double standards. Settlers sometimes attack Palestinians with the encouragement of soldiers.”

“Lapid, today you betrayed the people of Israel. If you were such a good prime minister, why weren’t you elected?”

The Yeshiva of the Torah Judaism faction in the Fatah Knesset Moshe Gafni, who acknowledged his new appointment at the beginning of the yeshiva: “I want to thank my friends who sent me to be the chairman of the temporary economy committee. I was a little surprised at how much hypocrisy can celebrate. I hear Lapid worrying about ultra-Orthodox women – an ultra-Orthodox woman will not go to an event where there is no segregation.”

He continued: “We would get everything we wanted if we went with Lapid to the coalition. This brat also says that Torah students get more than IDF soldiers. We are discriminated against. Why didn’t you say that for a year and a half? Because you were sure that we would go with you to the coalition. You said that everything we’re asking for is right, suddenly today it’s not.”

“He doesn’t deserve to be prime minister,” Gafni attacked Lapid, “we were right not to go with him and other people there, including Gantz. I don’t understand this talk, talk about bringing down the storm of spirits in the Israeli public, first of all bring them down. We fought for The topic of benefits for higher education, and now I’m going to discuss the cost of living with the governor of the Bank of Israel. All these things didn’t happen a year and a half, today we will take care of everything, and first and foremost for the citizens of Israel.”

after him, Yitzhak Goldknopf spoke, and attacked Lapid as well: “Go Yair Lapid, I want to say, today you betrayed the entire people of Israel. If you claim that you were so good, how come they didn’t choose you? You hid your character for a year and a half, on this day you decided to open your mouth and hurt the traditional and religious ultra-Orthodox part. If we once thought that Lapid could change his skin, today we saw that it was just an imagination.”

“We know how much money you made available to Abbas, what did you want to do. We know that you wanted us to reach a loaf of bread. Things that the government you wanted to establish would do to us. We want a Jewish tradition, we assure you that what they did to us will not be done to anyone. We will give everyone equally, we We will take care of everyone. We are coming to cover years of gaps that the traditional ultra-Orthodox public was deprived of,” he said.

He concluded: “Any institution that is with everyone will continue to be with you, all we asked for is – give us something, so that we can live as equals in the Land of Israel. The people of Israel have spoken, they want a Jewish identity. It is possible to live in partnership, both ultra-Orthodox and secular.”

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