they withdraw this batch of a mouthwash from the market due to a bacterium

by time news

Oral health is a concern for many people. Brushing your teeth several times a day, rinsing with a suitable product or avoiding foods and drinks with a lot of sugar are some of the key measures to take care of our teeth, gums or tongue.

To do this, there are hundreds of products available on the market, some free-sale such as toothpastes and others more specific that must be get a prescription at a pharmacyand that are usually sent for specific problems.

Regarding one of these types of products, a complaint has recently been registered alert of cessation of commercialization and use by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS). As reported from their website, they have received a notification about a possible contamination of a cosmetic oral health product.

Specifically, it is about Chlorhexidine mouthwash + Xylitol Imark-Single-dose format for mouthwashwhose lot number is 0100320123, with the possibility of being affected by a bacteria called Burkholderia cepacia.

The AEMPS has recently informed the population of this issue through a publication on its official Twitter account, in addition to the detailed data on its aforementioned website. In addition, the company responsible for manufacturing the product, Imark-Hospital, SL, has been ordered to precautionary measures to stop the marketing and use of this product.

Notably This mouthwash or mouthwash is usually distributed in the hospital channel mainlybut the AEMPS adds that its presence outside that channel cannot be ruled out, so caution must be exercised.

As can be seen in the image provided by Aemps, the product is in a white plastic container and has a label almost entirely redwith white letters on that background and other blue ones on a white background, specifying what product it is and its composition data.

Regarding the microorganism causing the possible contamination, called Burkholderia cepacia, it has been reported that it is a bacterium that can present risks for people with health problems or with a weakened immune system, Therefore, any user of this product is requested to stop consuming it for the moment.

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