This combined therapy completely reduces lung cancer in 38% of patients

by time news



Updated:27/05/2022 15:42h


A change in the approach to lung cancer in its earliest stages, when there has been no metastasismanages to eradicate the tumor in 36.8% of cases and increases the number of patients who are candidates for surgery to 93%.

These are data from the NADIM II study presented by Mariano Provencio, president of the Spanish Lung Cancer Group (GECP), and which has been carried out on 86 patients from 20 Spanish hospitals, and which will be presented at the Congress of the American Society of Oncology (ASCO).

This new approach will mean a paradigm shift to treat this group of patients.

This is a great advance if one takes into account that currently only 30% of patients with this type of tumor in early stages survive beyond five years.

The new strategy is based on administering chemo-immunotherapy before surgery in patients in early stages. In other words, explains Provencio, it is a change in approach; “we are not talking about a drug only”.

One of the strengths of the study is that it focuses on patients with locally advanced stage IIIA, with a greater need for clinical improvement.

These good results have prompted rapid approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this treatment scheme to be available in North American hospitals.

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