This costs to furnish a general medical office in Mexico

by time news

2023-08-30 02:00:41

NOM-005-SSA3-2018 establishes all the mandatory minimum requirements that an outpatient medical care space must have.
Based on the experience of one doctor, just to furnish a general medical office requires 20,000 pesos.
In addition, other expenses must also be considered, such as the rent of a premises, adapting the waiting room and the payment of salaries.

Entrepreneurship is essential in the area of ​​health. Although it is not enough to have the disposition because the financial part also influences. Especially since there are many laws and regulations that must be complied with to avoid sanctions. With this in mind, one of the frequent questions is about the amount it costs to furnish a general medical office.

In this sense, part of the confusion is generated because in the medical schools there are no subjects related to this topic. So when doctors want to open their own workspace they don’t know what they need.

One very important point that should always be kept in mind is that there are many mandatory requirements. The highest authority in this regard is the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) and is quite strict on revisions.

For its part, any failure not only generates economic sanctions but can also cause the closure of your workplace. If that happens your prestige is also affected and in the short, medium and long term it will cause you damage.

All the elements that a general medical office should have

In this regard, the first document you should read is the Official Mexican Standard NOM-005-SSA3-2018. In 2020, the updated version was presented that remains in force to this day and is the one that stipulates all the elements that a general medical office must have.


Seat for the doctor.
Seat for the patient and companion.
Seat for the doctor in the examination of the patient.
Stool of similar height.
Scale with stadiometer.
Bucket or basket for municipal garbage bag and red plastic bag for biological-infectious hazardous waste, as well as a rigid container for sharp-edged hazardous waste.
Storage of medicines, materials or instruments.
Examination table with legs.
Mayo table, Pasteur or similar, with adjustable height.
Furniture to write.
Furniture for keeping clinical records.

Professional team

Preferably aneroid or electronic sphygmomanometer with a cuff of the size required for your main activity.
Binaural stethoscope.
Pinard stethoscope.
Diagnostic kit (optional ophthalmoscope).
Lamp with directional beam.
X-ray viewer.


Box with lid for disinfectant solutions.
Small, medium and large Graves mirrors (optional).
Scalpel handle.
Percussion hammer.
Ring pliers.
Dissecting forceps with teeth and without teeth.
Mosquito type clamp.
Forceps to hold the cervix (optional).
Curved caliper.
Straight needle holder, with central groove and crossed grooves.
Kidney of 250 milliliters of greater capacity.
straight scissors.
Torundero with lid.


Measuring tape.
Clinical thermometer.

Healing material

barren fields.
Sterile surgical gloves.
Disposable syringes with needle of various sizes.
Suture material.
Antiseptic solutions.
Adhesive tape.
Test strips for the determination of blood glucose.
Elastic sales of different sizes.

General use drugs

Local anesthetic.
oral electrolytes.
coronary vasodilators.

How much does it cost to furnish a general medical office in Mexico?

After knowing everything that must count, now is the time to talk about the financial part. To get a general idea of ​​the basic furniture and equipment, the Dr. Giovanny Rincon posted a video based on his personal experience.

Bed – 12,000 / Table – 7,000
Screen – 3,000
Sink – 3,500
First aid kit equipped – 700
Sanitas dispenser – 400
Soap Dispenser – 400
RPBI – 500 mensual
Medicine cabinet – 900
Bitacoras – 200 c/u


Response to @ pabloyasser3 furniture for a medical office according to @Cofepris

♬ original sound – Giovanny Rincón

The sum of all the furniture mentioned is just over 20,000 pesos. An important point is that there are also other expenses that must be considered. They range from renting premises and equipping the waiting room to paying wages and basic services such as electricity and water.

Also read:

10 NOMs you should read before opening your own medical office

The NOMs you should know before opening your own medical office

This is how a medical office should be equipped according to the new NOM

#costs #furnish #general #medical #office #Mexico

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