And Curious work is not in danger due to the Artificial intelligencebut according to what analysts have indicated, said activity in conjunction with some others, even will benefit.
The Generative Artificial Intelligence has begun to gain a lot of ground in various productive activitieswhich is why it is estimated that certain jobs suffer some kind of affectation.
However, analysts have established that in the labor market from Mexico, there is a curious work what is not in any danger in the face of Artificial Intelligence, but even will benefit.
What is the curious job that is not endangered by Artificial Intelligence?
Despite the potential risk that the Artificial intelligence represents for some productive activities, a Curious work is not in danger and it is even considered that will benefit.
This was established by the World Bank (WB) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), which issued a study indicating that Artificial Intelligence could increase productivity.
The analysis establishes that in Mexico the use of the Generative Artificial Intelligence could increase productivity by 14%especially those jobs that are not at risk before the tool.
In this regard, the WB and the ILO highlighted that self-employed workers that do not depend on digital technology, as in the case of hairdressersare those who are not in danger and will even benefit.
But that curious work I wouldn’t be the only one that could take advantage of the advancement of new digital tools, as organizations indicated that there are Other activities such as the following:
- Sellers
- Architects
- Real estate agents
- Health workers
Study warns of jobs that are at risk from Artificial Intelligence
In the same study, the issue of the jobs that in the opposite case, Yes they are in danger in the face of the advance of the use of Artificial intelligence Generative.
In this regard, the analysis indicates that 5% of jobs formal in certain sectors, would be facing the possibility of displacement due to the full automation.
Although the study indicates that everything will depend on the evolution and uses of Generative Artificial Intelligence, it adds that activities such as the following, Yes, they are clearly at risk:
- Banking services
- Public administration services
- Financial Services
- Higher education
Therefore, it is added that the Most exposed demographic sectorsThey are women from urban areas, young, not poor, with higher education and who are part of the formal labor market.
The analysis also indicates that there could be a loss of well-paid, formal and qualified jobs in those industries in which there is a predominance of the women.
2024-09-05 03:34:34