this happens if you eat 12 eggs a day

by time news

A quick and easy way to get more protein is of course to eat eggs. But is it wise to eat a box of eggs every day? And is this suitable if you want to lose weight? To ask the question is to answer it. But YouTuber Simple Man replaced half of his diet with eggs and watched what this did to him.

In addition to being a perfect fit for a ketogenic diet and a great source of protein, eggs also contain amino acids that are important for our bodies. They are good against high blood pressure and increase testosterone levels in men. YouTuber ‘Simple Man’ took up the challenge and ate 12 eggs a day to see what effect it had.

Lose weight with eggs

Simple Man maintained his calorie intake of 2,000 kcal per day, but got 840 calories from the 12 eggs. Every morning he ate them poached and in the evening scrambled, baked or omelette. Anything to keep the eggs interesting, because by the end of the challenge he had had quite enough of them.

What does it do to your body?

Before the challenge he weighed about 93 kilos and had a body fat percentage of 20.7%. His waist circumference was 95 centimeters and his cholesterol level was 253 mg/dL. The latter was already quite high. Cholesterol is only found in animal products and he ate a standard Western diet. That may be an explanation.

After eating twelve eggs a day for a whole week (that’s 84 eggs), he weighed only 91 kilos. So 2 kilos off. His fat percentage also went down, by 0.8 percent. In seven days his waist was almost 4 centimeters less in circumference.

Wait a minute: the cons

Nice, lose weight and less fat, but what else? His blood pressure went from 127/87 to 120/88 and his testosterone went down a little bit. His cholesterol level (already high) went up even further, to 276 mg/dL. Had he continued, this could have had dire consequences. Eating a lot of eggs does have a number of benefits, but be careful and don’t exaggerate. Twelve a day is way too much. How much is advised depends on your health status. Read more about that in this article.

Don’t let yourself go crazy about a kilo more or less. And if you are seriously overweight, consult a doctor or dietician. Also read these fables about losing weight, which can go straight into the green container.

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What happens if you eat 12 eggs a day for a week?

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