This is how apple cider vinegar and lemon water shed pounds

by time news

Many stars and models swear by weight loss drinks. Drink a large glass of fresh lemon as soon as you get up, start the day with chia water or, like Scarlett Johansson, use apple cider vinegar as a miracle beauty weapon. But does that do anything at all? We take a closer look at the hyped diet drinks for you…

A balanced diet and plenty of exercise are important to lose weight in a healthy and long-term way. Rapid success can be achieved with crash diets, but they are unhealthy and the kilos are usually back quickly.

Drinks are just as important for losing weight as a long-term change in diet. Various weight loss drinks are being advertised on social media and singer Katy Perry is also a self-confessed fan and likes to drink an apple cider vinegar shot in the morning. But are the drinks the key to a slimmer body?

At a glance: These are the diet trends

These five weight loss drinks not only boost your metabolism, but also reduce the feeling of hunger. We will show you how you can perfectly integrate them into your everyday life.

Here is an overview of the weight loss drinks:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • lemon water
  • chia water
  • Coffee
  • Tee

Losing weight with apple cider vinegar: how it works

Apple cider vinegar is a true all-rounder and many stars swear by it. It is the perfect support for your weight loss plan as it contains many vitamins and minerals. In addition, your digestion and fat burning is boosted. At the same time, it has a detoxifying effect and regulates blood sugar levels. In addition, apple cider vinegar is also a beauty weapon against pimples and can have a positive effect on the complexion. Actress Scarlett Johansson, who likes to treat herself to an apple cider vinegar shot, knows this too.

For one, you can drink a glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before each meal. This can stimulate the metabolism and reduce appetite. You can also use it to prepare your meals for maximum effectiveness. People who produce too little stomach acid benefit in particular from the apple cider vinegar diet.

You also burn a lot of calories when skiing: We’ll tell you which ski areas are the best and, most importantly, the cheapest. We also answer the question of how effective a detox diet for losing weight is. Apple cider vinegar the all-rounder for everything? Absolutely, because it is also wonderful for detoxification. Find out here how you can detoxify yourself with apple cider vinegar and co. More to You can find out about the weight loss drink Switchel with apple cider vinegar here.

Losing weight with lemon water: how it works

A glass of lemon water a day can work wonders when it comes to losing weight. The vitamins in the lemon ensure that your fat burning is boosted. It also reduces food cravings. A positive effect on health and well-being.

In addition to losing weight, a positive side effect is that lemon water can also help against constipation and diarrhea. The metabolism can be boosted by the weight loss drink and at the same time the lemon juice has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. To prepare it, simply squeeze ½ a lemon and mix it with 250-300 ml of lukewarm water.

Losing weight with chia water: how it works

Many models and influencers swear by a new trend – chia water. Chia seeds are high in fiber and will keep you full for longer. This makes it perfect as a weight loss drink. In addition to micronutrients such as iron, zinc and magnesium, chia seeds also contain proteins, antioxidants and unsaturated fats. They also have a positive effect on digestion.

For your weight loss success, drink a glass of chia water immediately after getting up in the morning. There are different variations for the Beauty Booster. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of chia seeds with 200 ml of cold water and put the glass in the fridge for at least an hour. Because it is important that the seeds swell. After that, the mixture is diluted with a liter of water. You can add mint, lemon, ginger or berries if you like.

Lose weight with coffee and lemon juice: this is how it works

Coffee with lemon juice can help you lose weight because both contain important ingredients. For example, black coffee contains vitamin B, which supports the natural energy metabolism, and is very low in calories without sugar. In addition, caffeine can help stimulate fat burning. Lemon juice contains ingredients such as vitamin C, which can boost metabolism and burn fat. But that’s not all: the appetite can be reduced by the bitter flavors.

You have to pay attention to this with one of the most popular weight loss drinks: After you have brewed the coffee, let the cup of black coffee cool down briefly. Because vitamin C can lose its effect due to the heat. To make the lemon juice, squeeze an organic lemon. Finally, simply mix the coffee with lemon juice and stir well.

Losing weight with tea: how it works

Tea can also have an impact on your metabolism and feelings of fullness. The reason: it is low in calories and fat-free. Therefore, a cup of tea is a good weight loss companion and can help with weight loss. It is also a perfect thirst quencher.

Some types of tea contain antioxidant properties and are good for weight loss. This includes the varieties: green tea, rooibos tea, ginger tea and mate tea. Herb mixtures with stinging nettle, dandelion and peppermint are also good.

Losing weight with diet drinks: the conclusion

Of course, drinks alone won’t make you slim, but certain diet drinks can have an impact on your metabolism and the feeling of satiety. At the same time, you can reduce food cravings. Nevertheless, a varied diet and exercise is important. With a good balance, you can lose weight in the long term.

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