This is how herbal liqueur is made

by time news

Custom-made for Jägermeister: oak barrel with carving
Photo: Franziska Gilli

Everyone knows Jagermeister. If you know how the herbal liqueur is made, you won’t spill it carelessly.

Jägermeister is mass-produced. 111 million 0.7 liter bottles of the herbal liqueur are distributed across 150 countries every year. As a “shot” it usually only has a short stay in the oral cavity of young people in a party mood. The content of the glass rushes over the taste buds of the tongue with 35 revolutions in one go. There is not much time left to enjoy. It has become a party drink. Jägermeister attaches great importance to the taste and quality of its herbal liqueur. In order to prove to the public that the semi-bitter is more than just a takeaway drink or part of the Flying Hirsch, the company in Wolfenbüttel opens its production halls and barrel cellar from time to time. Every drop of Jägermeister that is drunk all over the world comes from there and from the second warehouse in Kamenz and the bottling plant in Linden.

Manifest, the premium version of the Jägermeister, is also made in Wolfenbüttel. It is a herbal liqueur with a slightly different recipe. Not only Jägermeister and Manifest, but also the herbal liqueurs of the competition are made using a similar process. At the heart of the process is maceration. The aromas must be extracted from the herbs. In principle, nothing has changed in the 90 years since Curt Mast had the idea of ​​creating a herbal liqueur. Berndt Finke, who has been responsible for the production of the Jägermeister for 18 years, has only refined the process and recipe.

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