This is how Holy Week passes live in Caripito 2023 (+ Photos)

by time news

In this way, locals and visitors have been able to enjoy the production work that during these days off turn this town into the Jerusalem of Venezuela

By: Writing |
Apr 5, 2023 – 6:36 pm

Dince last Sunday, April 2, the fifty-sixth edition of the Monumental Holy Week Viva de Caripito began, with the staging of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In this way, locals and visitors have been able to enjoy the production work carried out by the Rafael Pérez Madueño Foundation, which during these days off turns this town into the Jerusalem of Venezuela.

In this sense, the Palm Sunday corresponded to the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, election of the 12 Apostles, healing of the woman with flow and resurrection of the daughter of Jairus, in the locations chosen by the organizers.

Next, the Holy Monday staged: The Samaritan woman, the prodigal son, the sermon on the mount and the resurrection of Lazarus. On this occasion, those responsible were the educational sector and actors of the Monumental Holy Week Viva de Caripito.

The performances scheduled for the Holy Tuesdaycorresponds to The Samaritan Woman, Adulteress, the resurrection of Lazarus and Blind from birth and the multiplication of the loaves.

For this one holy wednesdaythe usual pilgrimage of the son of God was carried out, which began in the Plaza Bolívar de Caripito up to the Monument of the Nazarene, in a ceremonial act that was in charge of Monsignor Enrique Pérez Lavado, to continue the schedule at night with the procession and subsequent meeting between El Nazareno and his mother María Dolorosa.

For this year, the Caripiteños aspire to gather 5,000 thousand people who will be able to enjoy Holy Week live, the religious and traditional celebration that undoubtedly attracts the largest number of people in all of eastern Venezuela.

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