This is how long it takes for a smoker’s body to recover after quitting tobacco

by time news




The tobacco it kills 54,000 people a year in Spain, according to a study published in the ‘Revista Española de Cardiología’ (REC). Although it is true that there is a downward trend in the consumption of this substance, the decline in the number of smokers in our country stagnated last year. Awareness campaigns and other factors that reject this habit are slowly giving results, although there are still many who find it difficult to put out the last and final cigarette.

And that may be largely because they are unaware of the benefits of quitting. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report in which it relates the benefits of refusing tobacco over time.

The effect is immediate. because to the 20 minutes It’s obvious. After this short period of time, blood pressure decreases, as does the heart rate. On that same day of smoking the last ‘piti’, the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood also stabilize.

In a matter of a couple of weeks, the sense of taste is ‘fired’. It does not mean that our ability to taste food increases, but that the substances in tobacco prevent the taste buds from regenerating and that our perception with this sense decreases. In short, two weeks are enough for the food to smell and taste better than when it is smoked.

Instead, for regain your sense of smell and good breathing takes a little more time. Although it depends on each person, it is estimated that cough and respiratory problems disappear between one and nine months.

Long term benefits

In the long term, the benefits of quitting smoking are even greater. After four years, the chance of developing coronary heart disease is halved, as is mortality, which drops to 50%. After five years, the probability of suffering a stroke is equal to that of a non-smoker. On the other hand, we will have to wait up to fifteen years for the heart and cardiovascular risk to be the same as a person who does not go to the tobacconist’s on a daily basis.

[Dinamarca plantea prohibir la venta de tabaco a cualquier persona nacida después de 2010]

The benefits are many, although the process is long and hard, but it is worth it. In addition to thanking the body and health, quitting smoking will also be well received for the pocket. More taking into account the new updated tobacco prices recently published by the BOE.

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