This is how the Arab states treat the Russia-Ukraine war

by time news

“Most of them are sitting on the fence, not upsetting anyone,” Arab affairs commentator Zvi Yehezkeli explains today the policy pursued by the Arab states in the face of Russian aggression. Although Hezbollah and Iran openly support Russia, the other countries, although on the side of the Russians, try not to upset either side.

News 13 commentator on Arab affairs, Zvi Yehezkeli, was interviewed this morning (Monday) by Erel Segal and David Wertheim on Radio 103FM and commented on the Arab perspective on the Russia-Ukraine war. Upset no one in this regard. On the one hand they do not want to go out against Putin and in their hearts they tend to the Russians because of the lawlessness and American betrayal in the region. Heart with the Russians, but outside playing poker because their interest is not to upset anyone. If we go to the axis of evil, Hezbollah and Iran, they say with certainty that Russia. They know that the Russians are the real landlords, for them there are no Americans in the area. “They understand that the Russians own the house, they appreciate the power,” Yehezkeli began.

“Nasrallah told his people to breathe and some more salvation will come. What will the Iranian money do? We all know. All this agreement does not require Iran to stop being offensive, even if they return to the point in terms of the 2015 agreement it is bad because they are already a threshold state. In terms of protecting us. It will certainly give them a windfall and it will return to Russia – Russia the landlord. The US has fled here and the Palestinians are asking why a Molotov cocktail of Ukrainians is not considered terrorism and we say it is terrorism. They are divided in this section and that is why the Palestinian leader is careful and walks between the drops. “They know that” the United States can be upset, but Putin is not worth it, “he added.

Yehezkeli said in an interview on Radio 103FM published in Maariv that Mansour Abbas offered brokerage services, which the Iranians also offered. They are in favor of everyone, etc., they try as much as possible to take their issue and make a profit out of it at the expense of this struggle without identifying with anyone. They see Israeli mediation and do not attach importance to it. They tell Russians and Ukrainians to explain to Israelis what economic pressure can do. They are enthusiastic about the sanctions on Russia, they say ‘why don’t you impose a quarter of these sanctions on Israel, and if Bennett mediates remind him’.

Ezekiel was later asked why Russia is cooperating with Israel in Syria, and replied: “Russia needs Israel somewhere and it cannot defend the Syrian position one hundred percent. As someone who sees itself as hegemony in the region, it must also be okay with us. It also has the kind of interests it has Does not want to break. It’s their mule and rule, it’s their ability to manage the two things at once. That everyone will need them – they make the whole region work against them. the Middle East”.

“Ukraine wants a West, Ukraine has chosen a Western life and it is a detachment from the church and a life like in Europe. Ukraine has tied its destiny with the West and it pays for it. The economic weapon has been used here in full force. The West has it mostly today. “It is theirs to live under sanctions. There is still a war between cultures here, there is no end to history and the wars are not over. Even if the United States now uses the money, it means that there is still the battle between East and West,” he added.

“It shows how much they never believed in a united world, it shows that there will always be this hostility of the Cold War between East and West. It shows that even on a battle day everything is pulled out. The United States that failed here in the Middle East, except economy “Yehezkeli ended the interview, which was reported on the Maariv website.

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