This is how the commissioner and senior police officers tried to thwart the investigation of the police

by time news

exposure: Two days after the Miron disaster, the top of the police, headed by the commissioner, convenes for a discussion. The main point, according to the document summarizing the discussion obtained by the News here, deals with the transfer of responsibility to other factors besides the police, from the prime minister to the professional ranks. In addition, the superintendents and the commissioner discuss advice on how to thwart The investigation of the Ministry of Defense that was opened immediately after the disaster.

“We must act to bring forward the scheduled meeting with the Attorney General,” says Commissioner Rabbi Nitzav Yaakov Shabtai and asks to establish a commission of inquiry and stop the investigation of the National Security Agency. “The recommendation of the Israel Police is to establish an external, neutral, objective state committee, which will not be influenced by foreign factors/considerations, while stopping the procedure currently being carried out by the police,” says the commissioner.

The legal advisor to the police, Deputy Superintendent Ayelet Elisher, says in the discussion: “I agree that the target is a state investigative committee since it is also a political level and private parties.” She is also opposed to holding a criminal investigation: “There is no place for a criminal investigation at this stage. An investigation will paralyze the possibility of a real investigation. There is a long process of years. It is not about evasion but the ability to allow an in-depth investigation.”

The head of the operations department also says: “A state investigation committee is better.” Chief of Staff Chief of Staff David Bitan suggests a role of responsibility: “The purpose of the meeting,” he says, “is to exchange ideas and opinions in order to formulate a course of action… the central question is the question of responsibility.” Responsibility is not only on one factor… the finger should not be pointed only at the Israel Police.” says

“All the factors are in the story and not just the Israel Police. It’s a systemic and not personal story,” says the head of the Investigations and Intelligence Division, Chief Yigal Ben Shalom. He is also against the investigation by the National Investigation Agency: “The National Investigation Agency started examining and collecting materials and we faced a collision – an investigation team against the National Investigation Agency. The right solution, in my opinion, is the demand for a commission of inquiry.”

Ben Shalom prepared for a meeting with the Attorney General at the time Avichai Mandelblit: “Today there will be a meeting with the advisor and I will find out what the direction is. We will insist on a stop and go to an investigative committee.” The head of Lahav 433 Superintendent Moti Cohen says in the discussion: “I propose to stop the investigation of the police until a decision is made.” The head of the Human Resources Division Chief Boaz Goldberg talks about the coordination with the Police: “We spoke with the head of the police to confirm the names of the police officers.”

The Israel Police stated: “The incident is under investigation by a state investigative committee and therefore, at this stage, we cannot reply to the substance of the matter.”

“Reinforcements are needed, where are all the officers who sleep on their noses?”, that’s how police officers were heard on the network, shortly before the Miron disaster. The same policemen who recognized the tremendous load, and for half an hour repeatedly asked for reinforcements, but received no response – and then the disaster happened.

After the revelation of the recordings yesterday (Monday), Nahum, an eyewitness to the disaster and the conduct of the police officers in the field, recreated the difficult moments in an interview with Ran Binyamini and Yigal Guetta in Kan Network B. “Four policemen stand in front of tens of thousands of people and they are pressed. They have no other power. They stand in a corner and they are crushed. Everyone is shouting for the policemen to close the bridge,” said Nahum.

“I started to get crushed,” he recalled, “I managed to get back up to the Dov Bridge. A lot of people were there. We begged them, we told them that there were people who fainted and were crying for help. They yelled at the police – ‘Close the bridge.’ Even if they wanted to, they would have to have reinforcements , four policemen in front of thousands of people. Some of the policemen were unable to communicate, they gave up. They saw people who were not breathing, people shouted and suddenly stopped. There was no police force to block the bridge, it would have saved many people.”

“Police dysfunction led to the disaster, there are other factors, but this is the most critical point. We shouted at the policemen – ‘Bring help.’ Negligence, it doesn’t leave my mind. The disaster could have been avoided,” said Nahum.

“After the publication of the recordings, I didn’t sleep at night,” he said, “the question is why it hasn’t come out until now. I was expecting transparency. This year, too, there were urgencies in Lag B’Omer, they didn’t learn a lesson. We need to plan again.”

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